Most premium credit related news are at:

Embed with Facebook 22 Aug 2013 | 08:07 pm
So, minor announcement today from Facebook – embeddable posts are available to everyone today. They follow Twitter into this embeddable content trend, having released this functionality late in July...
The Real Mary Kings Close Campaign 1 Jul 2013 | 01:00 pm
We are very excited to have just completed an advertising campaign for one of Edinburgh’s top attractions, The Real Mary King’s Close. The Real Mary King’s Close is a historic attraction just off the...
More premium credit related news:
Malpractice Insurance Carrier Announces Unusual Policy Credit for Physicians Using Electronic Medical Records 15 Sep 2007 | 01:55 am
In an unusual and what appears to be unprecedented announcement by a medical malpractice carrier, Midwest Medical Insurance Company (MMIC) earlier this week announced it will offer a premium credit to...
Retail groups want right to refuse premium credit cards 3 Sep 2012 | 06:54 am
Canadian retail organizations are urging Ottawa to create a stronger code of conduct for the credit card industry that would ensure merchants aren’t stuck with transaction costs when they accept Visa ...
GTCR Announces Acquisition of Premium Credit Limited 1 Nov 2012 | 09:00 pm
Thursday, November 1st, 2012 Investment in Growth Strategy of Leading Payment Finance Services Company CHICAGO, IL – November 1, 2012 – GTCR, a leading private equity firm, today announced that it has...
Theme deCorum 21 Oct 2011 | 03:31 am
deCorum est un thème WordPress premium avec un processus complexe et riche en fonctionnalités immobilières. Le style minimaliste vous permet de modifier facilement le thème en fonction de vos besoins,...
Theme deCondo 21 Oct 2011 | 03:16 am
deLucide est un thème WordPress premium de type immobilier. Le thème est très clair (fond blanc) et reste facilement personnalisable.
Theme deCasa 21 Oct 2011 | 03:10 am
deCasa est un thème WordPress premium léger et élégant destiné pour les activités immobilières (Real Estate). Le thème possède un grand nombre de fonctionnalités pratiques et vous permettent de config...
Theme deLucide 19 Oct 2011 | 10:09 pm
deLucide est un thème WordPress premium de type portfolio très chic et élégant pour mettre en valeur vos photos ou tout autre travail dans un design professionnel. Gérez votre portfolio sans aucune co...
Theme deGusto 19 Oct 2011 | 10:05 pm
deGusto est un thème WordPress premium de type portfolio sombre et élégant. Il combinera agréablement votre contenu (web, photo, logo et autres travaux) avec vos articles de blog.
Mid-Year Sales Promotion 2012 Started 28 May 2012 | 01:40 pm
Ahsay™ Mid-Year Sales Promotion 2012 started. We offer: 1).Handsome bonus on purchasing Ahsay™ OEM Edition , 2). Buy 1 Get 1 Free for Guest Virtual Machine backup license, 3).Extra bonus credit for ex...
Year-End Sales Promotion 2011 Started 31 Oct 2011 | 10:00 pm
Ahsay™ Year-End Sales Promotion 2011 started. We offer handsome bonus licenses and bonus credits for both purchase and meter license partners. For details, please visit: