Most presentation skills related news are at:

Antiphonal 1 Jul 2013 | 03:32 pm
Antiphonal is a two site multi-channel audio installation of poetry and field recordings.Twelve poems were commissioned in response to the return of the Lindisfarne gospels to the North East. The inst...
Optimism Skywards 1 Jul 2013 | 02:41 pm
‘Optimism Skywards’ is an installation artwork which intervenes in participants’ twitter messages to the Angel of the North by giving them physical form and firing them skywards in an optimistic attem...
More presentation skills related news:
How to Effectively Train Your Presentation Skills? 23 Sep 2011 | 01:50 am
Many of us are worried about before you make a presentation. Sometimes we feel that we are not left enough time to prepare. How to Effectively Train Your Presentation Skills? is a post from: divya Ma...
Presentation Skills from London Training Course Providers – The Power of Eye Contact 9 Apr 2012 | 11:41 pm
One of the key areas that can have a significant impact on the success (or not) of your presentation is how you connect visually with your audience. And one of the main ways of achieving that is by u...
Presentation Skills Training – Is it worth it? 3 Apr 2010 | 04:25 am
With all of the information and advice available in books and for free on websites like our own you might well have asked yourself:- “Do I really need to attend a presentation skills training course ...
PowerPoint Presentation Skills Tips for Effective Presenting 26 Aug 2009 | 01:50 am
How often have you switched off (even for a few seconds) when attending yet another PowerPoint Presentation at work? Our experience is that this probably happens more than 9 times out of 10. So that...
What are Effective Presentation Skills? 17 Aug 2009 | 09:53 pm
Have your presentation skills ever let you down in the past? Have you ever avoided giving a presentation at work? Might you be more successful at work if you were a better and more effective present...
Presentation Skills: Body Language 28 Feb 2010 | 07:48 pm
The Eyes Have It, And They're All On You...and Your Gestures The most important visual is you. Let's start with one simple truth: The most important visual in a presentation is not that dazzling anim... – presentation skills & how to improve them 24 Jun 2010 | 11:53 am
Improve your communications, business relationship and presentation skills with training from Speak First. Better presentation are delivered more effectively, judge their audience better and in the en...
Killer Presentation Skills 5 Dec 2010 | 07:22 am
tips for in coming TESC..hope it will help you guys.. 11 Feb 2011 | 05:20 pm
Skills in MUET Speaking: Task Fulfillment •Understanding of the topic given •Development of points presented Skills in MUET Speaking: Language •Expression of points clearly •Use of appro...
Are your presentation skills this good? 13 Oct 2011 | 04:28 am
We all like to think we have a valuable ability to do an amazing presentation to our clients, employees and others. Unfortunately from long and sometimes bitter experience I can attest to the fact th...