Most president reply my letter related news are at:

EMAIL the Religious Groups Opposing UAFA & LGBT Equality 21 May 2013 | 01:39 am
EMAIL:,,,,, OR CALL: NAE: 202-789-1011 SBC: 202-547-8105 USCCB: 212-371-1000 NHCLC: 9...
More Than 2,000 Days Trying to “Figure This Out” – Eric & Jon’s Story 1 Mar 2013 | 08:09 pm
On June 29, 2006 I boarded a flight to New York’s LaGuardia Airport that would completely change my life. It was not my first trip to New York, but it was my first solo trip. I thought that I may be a...
More president reply my letter related news:
Letter From the President 4 Apr 2012 | 03:03 pm
President’s Welcome Letter From Gary Schiffer, CEO/President of VitaFit To our current members, supporters and future clients: Thank You… I want to take a moment to Thank You for your interest and ...
“Are You Listening, Mr. President?” My Open Letter re: Today’s Economic Speech 25 Jul 2013 | 02:53 am
Greetings, my fellow Politicos! I am sharing my letter to President Obama with you today. While his speech was heartening, I found little to truly help us, in our middle class family’s position. You a...
Another Letter About Chemtrails In Northern Advocate 9 Aug 2013 | 11:51 am
Betty Hooper The inspirational ninety-three-year-old Betty Hooper of Hikurangi, Northland, posted this letter in to the Northern Advocate in reply to letters from Colin Edwards of Parua Bay, Whangare...
Montana school official appears to have plagiarized in another letter to the editor 27 Aug 2013 | 09:06 pm
Billings Gazette Yellowstone County, Mont., Superintendent of Schools Max Lenington “may have plagiarized a petition to impeach the president in another letter to the editor published in June,” Eddie...
EASL co-signs open letter to President Barroso 16 May 2013 | 09:00 am
The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) has joined other members of the European Chronic Disease Alliance (ECDA) in signing an Open Letter to President Barroso. The letter expresses...
Invite the President – Get a Letter Back 15 Jul 2013 | 09:51 pm
Here’s a cool little factoid for your unique wedding ideas folder. If you invite the President of the United States to your wedding, you will receive a thank you reply from him/her that you can frame ...
prepare for the worst... 26 Apr 2007 | 03:15 pm
its my M.O. i always prepare for the worst and hope for the best. But what happens when you actually needed to prepare for the 'best'? last summer i sent a letter i received the return reply today. ...
Dear Fellow Bridge Players, I hope you have enjoyed the Palm Springs Regional at the Westin this week. By all accounts, it has been a tremendous success. Nice job and kudos to Roberta Grubb Tournamen...
” I Can Neither Confirm Nor Deny……..” 19 May 2012 | 08:40 pm
Click here to view the embedded video. My guess is that the president chose not to “alien” anyone with his reply here so that his answer may be accepted by all. Good Day All………………… The idea of acce...
Senator Harkin’s Disinformation Letter 14 Apr 2012 | 08:39 am
A constituent of U.S. Senator Tom Harkin finally received a reply five months after her initial letter and fax to Senator Harkin about MEDEVAC operations in Afghanistan. Despite the date on the Senato...