Most prestasi film indie related news are at:

Review Novel: The Devil's Alternative - Frederick Forsyth 15 Aug 2013 | 01:55 pm
Untuk: Selvia Lusman, yang novelnya kuculik sebelum ia sendiri sempat membacanya Posisi Maxim Rudin, Presiden Uni Soviet sekaligus Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Komunis Soviet tengah berada di ujung tan...
Akankah Damai Tercipta di Mesir? 15 Aug 2013 | 01:39 pm
Peristiwa berdarah kembali terjadi di Mesir. Sejak pelengseran terhadap Presiden Muhammad Mursi oleh aksi militer pada 3 Juli silam, Mesir memang belum juga memperlihatkan tanda-tanda kedamaian meski ...
More prestasi film indie related news:
sinematografi 25 Nov 2010 | 10:57 pm
Para pegiat film indie dari berbagai kota di Indonesia telah banyak menunjukkan aktifitas berkaryanya. Tak ada keharusan bagi para pegiat itu untuk terlebih dahulu mendalami teknik-teknik sinematograf...
8 Blogger wanita tercantik Malaysia [Most beautiful female blogger (M)] 20 Sep 2011 | 12:25 am
#8) Biea Ana #7 #6 Zulaika Nasir #5 Hajar Momoe #4 Cik Tasya #3 yuyu zulaikha #2 Nisa Kay #1 Nurul Izzati Ibrahim [Most Beautiful female blogger] FESTIVAL FILM INDIE SAKIT PUN DAPAT DUIT! P...
Indiespiele Themenabend im RaumZeitLabor 1 May 2013 | 07:48 pm
Am kommenden Samstag (4.5) findet ab 20 Uhr ein Indiespiele Themenabend im RaumZeitLabor statt. Was Indiespiele sind und wer sie entwickelt erklärt zu Beginn der Film Indie Game The Movie. Er begleite...
Pembuatan Film Indie 'A Walk To Remember' 15 Feb 2013 | 05:04 pm
Pada Bulan Januari 2013 kemarin, RIZALmedia Video mendapatkan job pembuatan Film Indie yang berjudul A Walk To Remember. Pengerjaan (Pra Produksi) dimulai pada awal Januari, kemudian Proses Shooting (...
New Korean Films: Indie Films Never Die (2013 Week 32) 12 Aug 2013 | 06:02 am
Oldmen Never Die (죽지않아) Ji-hoon went to the countryside to live with his grandfather to discharge him of farm work, but also to make sure to make a good impression to get a large share of his inheri...
Elisha Cuthbert Sexy Topless 15 Sep 2011 | 05:28 am
Elisha Cuthbert Sexy Topless Elisha Cuthbert sexy and topless in an indie film she starred in called 'He Was a Quiet Man' in 2007.
BearCity 2 Needs Your Help To Cross Finish Line 21 May 2012 | 01:00 pm
BearCity 2 has almost crossed over the finish line. They are so close that they can feel the fur-ocity of this indie film sequel. But they need your help to make it happen. Get your name and photo in ...
Interview With Troy Garity for Do Not Disturb 4 May 2011 | 06:06 pm
Over the course of Troy Garity’s 15 year career, he’s played a little bit of everything. He’s appeared in dramas, comedies, indie films, blockbusters, he’s done it all. He has a real love for the art ...
$25M Indie Film Scam 19 Jun 2011 | 08:00 pm
Hollywood is being rocked by one of the biggest scandals and scams in history as the FBI and IRS have busted over 18 people for fraud and money laundering for allegedly soliciting $25 million to make ...
How To Survive As An Indie Filmmaker 15 May 2012 | 02:01 am
Finding distribution and pre-sales deals was once a feasible task, but not so much any more. Over the years the promise of financing and production for indie films has dramatically faded, and filmmake...