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Champion of the Month: Danyel Elferink 17 May 2012 | 01:51 am
Danyel Elferink is the founder and owner of ASSISTENZWERK. His company does more than help people create prezis, but in 2009 when Elferink came across Prezi doing a search for Powerpoint alternatives,...
A Day to Remember 4 May 2012 | 02:39 am
Multiple choice question: Yesterday, Prezi ______________________. A. announced it has passed 10 million users B. announced the official launch of its PowerPoint import feature C. announced a ”Thin...
More prezi related news:
Startup programunkról 3 Mar 2012 | 02:34 am
Pár éve a KIBU részese volt a napjainkban már több, mint 8 millió felhasználót számláló Prezi születésének. Itt az idő, hogy új sikerek megvalósítását is segítsük, ezért útjára indítjuk a startup prog...
Use Prezi where Innovation Needs to Shine Through 13 Dec 2011 | 04:09 am
Click on Picture to See How I Use Prezi. When you want to sell your ideas and proposals to an audience, which Presentation software do you use? Microsoft Powerpoint? Apple Keynote? If you use these ...
How Prezi is Redefining Presentation Tools with 8 Million Users – with @peterarvai 21 Feb 2012 | 05:46 am
I had an opportunity to sit down with the amazingly talented Peter Arvai, CEO and co-founder of Prezi. Prezi is a ‘zooming’ presentation tool, which allows users to zoom in and out of objects within ...
Cross Ad Group Testing Excel Template: SMX Advanced Presentation 9 Jun 2011 | 04:35 am
Cross Ad Group Testing Excel Template: SMX Advanced Presentation SMX Advanced, Seattle 2011 Presentation: Cross Ad Group PPC Ad Testing on Prezi Cross Ad Group Testing Excel Template Cross Ad G...
Founders Event: Budapest's Big Day 11 May 2012 | 10:00 pm
An interesting recap from the Founders Event in Budapest. Insights from the founders from Prezi, Ustream, and LogMeIn. Writte by Peter Záboji from the European Entrepreneurship Foundation
Impress.js: espectacular sistema de creación de presentaciones en CSS3 inspirado en Prezi 5 Jan 2012 | 06:45 am
Gracias a un tweet de Christian Heilmann he descubierto Impress.js, una librería para crear presentaciones inspirada en Prezi pero que utiliza solamente CSS3, Javascript y HTML. Los efectos y animacio...
Warsztaty: Nauczycielu - nie zamulaj przy tablicy! Czyli jak zrobić prezentację multimedialną w Prezi 5 Feb 2012 | 05:21 am
Oto i obiecana niespodzianka. Jedne z warsztatów dla nauczycieli zostaną poprowadzone przez UCZNIÓW! Warsztaty z tworzenia multimedialnych prezentacji w programie Prezi poprowadzą: Ewa Garbarz, Dor....
Prezi 16 Nov 2010 | 11:59 am
Prezi – Een andere vorm van presenteren. Via een collega kwam ik in aanmerking met een nieuwe online tool om presentaties te maken. Een applicatie die verder gaat dan Powerpoint. De manier waarop je ...
Prezi: Perfekt für die Firmenpräsentation 22 May 2012 | 03:35 am
Sie wollen Ihr Unternehmen einmal in ein völlig neues Licht rücken und legen dabei trotzdem Wert auf einen aussagekräftigen Inhalt der Präsentation? Dann bieten wir genau den richtigen Service für S...
What’s so big about Domains? 3 Aug 2011 | 04:11 am
The value of Domains on Prezi Brought to you by: Domain Developers Fund