Most prezi presentation related news are at:

Champion of the Month: Danyel Elferink 17 May 2012 | 01:51 am
Danyel Elferink is the founder and owner of ASSISTENZWERK. His company does more than help people create prezis, but in 2009 when Elferink came across Prezi doing a search for Powerpoint alternatives,...
A Day to Remember 4 May 2012 | 02:39 am
Multiple choice question: Yesterday, Prezi ______________________. A. announced it has passed 10 million users B. announced the official launch of its PowerPoint import feature C. announced a ”Thin...
More prezi presentation related news:
Prezi presentation 15 May 2010 | 11:50 am
Για όσους δε το ξέρουν, γνωρίστε το Prezi. Πρόκειται για ένα πρόγραμμα δημιουργίας παρουσιάσεων, αντίστοιχο του powerpoint, μόνο που είναι πιο όμορφο. Μπες, γράψου, έχει το free για online... New Bl...
Prezibase – Prezi templates 16 Dec 2012 | 08:35 pm
Check out Prezibase – a brand new marketplace for Prezi presentation templates. Some of the new templates include:
Blog As Platform For Advocacy 5 Jan 2013 | 02:10 pm
I have given a talk twice about the subject, please allow me to share the webcast of my prezi presentation. I have been blogging since 2005, received an offer to be an Asst. Vice President for Human R...
Prezi - presentations are now all about zooming 26 May 2013 | 01:57 pm
Yes, Powerpoint has a powerful competitor! Prezi is a modern presentation tool that can make you re-think about presentations. Have a look at the video to get an idea. That is how Prezi can be use...
Prezi - අමුතු තාලයේ presentation කලාව 29 May 2013 | 07:51 pm
Presentation කියන වචනය ඇසු සැණින් බොහෝ දෙනාගේ මතකයට එන ඊළඟ වචනය MS Powerpoint. අද කියන්න යන්නේ PowerPoint වෙනුවට පාවිච්චි කරන්න පුළුවන් අමුතු තාලයේ presentation හදන්න පුළුවන් web application එකක් ගැන....
Prezi - presentations are now all about zooming 26 May 2013 | 01:57 pm
Yes, Powerpoint has a powerful competitor! Prezi is a modern presentation tool that can make you re-think about presentations. Have a look at the video to get an idea. That is how Prezi can be use...
Prezi - අමුතු තාලයේ presentation කලාව 29 May 2013 | 07:51 pm
Presentation කියන වචනය ඇසු සැණින් බොහෝ දෙනාගේ මතකයට එන ඊළඟ වචනය MS Powerpoint. අද කියන්න යන්නේ PowerPoint වෙනුවට පාවිච්චි කරන්න පුළුවන් අමුතු තාලයේ presentation හදන්න පුළුවන් web application එකක් ගැන....
Earned Value Management Images Using Prezi 26 Jul 2013 | 02:30 am
Few days ago I raised the below question for discussion in the Earned Value Management group on LinkedIn: The Prezi presentation below was created based on comments and contribution made in the ab...
Tools for digital engagement: Don’t understand the new NHS? This King’s Fund animation and Prezi presentation might help 4 Aug 2013 | 02:36 pm
Happy Sunday! What are you guys doing on this fine sunny Sunday? I got up this morning and pottered about and browsed through my RSS feeds and found this rather interesting animation on the new NHS. ...
Bonjour Chers Clients 7 Nov 2010 | 06:16 pm
MÉMO INFORMATIF . . . À LIRE PAR TOUS NOS CLIENTS ET TOUS CEUX À VENIR ! Bienfaits Noisetier recueille présentement des commentaires de personnes ayant déjà acheté un collier/bracelet de Pur Noiseti...