Most prime vs zoom same aperture related news are at:
– Simply Cindi
FINALLY UNVEILED: Cindi+Chris Photography!!! 7 Jul 2011 | 06:39 pm
Hello my loyal followers! Happy summer and I hope everyone had a great, safe July 4th weekend. I was working part of the weekend for quarter-end close at work. But for the remaining part of the "lo...
If You Build It...They Will Come... 23 Jun 2011 | 02:34 pm
Hi Folks! I know I've been absent for a while now... ...but I have not been slacking I promise! Simply Cindi is undergoing some changes and it's going to be truly exciting! I just can not wait to ...
More prime vs zoom same aperture related news:
Prime vs Zoom Lenses 27 Aug 2013 | 12:22 pm
Beginning photographers are presented with what can be a very difficult decision to make: whether to purchase a zoom lens or a fixed focal length lens. Both have their advantages (and disadvantages) a...