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صدور فيلم لـ الأنمي [ Prince of Tennis ] 1 Dec 2010 | 01:59 am
كشفت شـركتة [Shueisha] للنشر ، أنه بدء الإعداد لفيلم جديد لـ الأنمي [Prince of Tennis] وقد جـاء هذا الأعلان في غلاف مجلة [Jump Square] عدد ينـاير قريباً بدون تعليق ×.×
Too Close yet too Far by Shunrei [T] 22 Apr 2012 | 08:56 pm
He's going back to Japan to take the first step towards his goal. To crush the man who hurt his mother years ago. Ryuzaki Seiran,London's renowned prince of tennis is here to go avenge against his fat...
The Prince of Tennis Plånbok - 85:- 29 Jun 2010 | 07:28 am
Plånbok med diverse fack för sedlar och kort. Plånboken är även försedd med en kedja. Den stängs och öppnas med hjälp av kardborre.
Tennis Online 24 May 2012 | 05:46 am
As a leading computer games blog we feel obligated to share with you the most amazing games online. This game really can make you smile. My advice is to be patient and make your first point and then m...
Published Albums of April 13 14 Apr 2010 | 06:51 pm
Mota: Prince of Tennis — Shishido Ryoh – Now – Then Prince of Tennis — Fuji Syusuke and Kawamura Takashi – Nasu. Ichi Fuji, Ni Taka, San Nasu nanachan290: Tenshi ni Narumon! — OST 2 – Fuwarin! Te...
Published Albums of April 7 8 Apr 2010 | 05:48 pm
kuro-okami: Ah! My Goddess – Everyone Has Wings — OP and ED 1 – Shiawase no Iro and Bokura no Kiseki Mota: Prince of Tennis — Sore wa Sore Toshite furax: Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu — OST
Một số thắc mắc trước khi mua đĩa 19 Apr 2008 | 03:54 am
Cho mình hỏi vài thứ 1. Số lượng đĩa DVD của mấy cái anime sau là bao nhiêu cái? + Dear Boys (26 eps) + Dragon Ball (153 eps) + Fate/Stay Night (24 eps) + Magikano (13 eps) + Prince of Tennis (1...
[DD][MF] New Prince of Tennis 58/?? 30 Aug 2011 | 10:26 am
Titulo: New Prince of Tennis Categorias: comedia, school life, shounen, deportes Autor: Konomi Takeshi Artista: Konomi Takeshi Publicacion: Mensual (Shueisha's Jump Square) Fansub: Olympos no fan...
[Cosplay] Prince of Tennis 3 May 2012 | 03:18 am
Hi everyone, it’s been a while again. Spring has come, and it is getting warmer here in Japan. It’s a good thing because it’s kind of easier for us cosplayers to cosplay. I have been cosplaying as us...