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Bagaimana nak buang sikap racist? 7 May 2013 | 02:10 pm
PRU 13 dah berakhir. Keputusan dah kita tahu. Tapi keadaan ada kecelaruan baru. Sana sini terkait dengan perkauman le, racist le, melayu pi balik indon le, cina pi balik china le..Firstly, maaf sbb ni...
Bagaimana nak buang sikap racist? 7 May 2013 | 02:10 pm
PRU 13 dah berakhir. Keputusan dah kita tahu. Tapi keadaan ada kecelaruan baru. Sana sini terkait dengan perkauman le, racist le, melayu pi balik indon le, cina pi balik china le..Firstly, maaf sbb ni...
More prince william divorce true related news:
The ‘true’ Royal wedding of Prince Williams 30 Apr 2011 | 09:08 pm
It seemed as if not only London but the whole universe was enjoying and dancing in jubilation for the true Royal wedding, happening exactly after 30 years, when the Prince Charles tied the knot with P...
Level 1 İngilizce Hikaye - Prince William 24 Sep 2010 | 08:27 pm
Bölüm-1 A New Prince Bölüm-2 Early Days Bölüm-3 School Days Bölüm-4 An Accident at School Bölüm-5 Charles and Diana Divorce Bölüm-6 Please Stay Away Bölüm-7 The Car Accident Bölüm-8 William, We Love Y...
The ‘true’ Royal wedding of Prince Williams 30 Apr 2011 | 05:08 pm
It seemed as if not only London but the whole universe was enjoying and dancing in jubilation for the true Royal wedding, happening exactly after 30 years, when the Prince Charles tied the knot with P...
Vegetable smoothie – Pierre Martinet – France 24 Sep 2012 | 10:16 pm
Did you know: PRINCE William proved he was a true Englishman today when he lost a penalty shoot-out against a 13-year-old goalkeeper from the Solomon Islands. With hundreds watching, the Prince warned...