Most print screen mac related news are at:

Hide Email Previews from the Lock Screen of iPhone, iPad, iPod touch 27 Aug 2013 | 04:32 am
New email arrivals display a small preview of the message itself on the lock screen of iOS devices, which shows the sender, the subject, and part of the actual email message body. Because emails can c...
Copy Music Directly to iPhone / iPod Without Adding to the Computer iTunes Library 27 Aug 2013 | 12:44 am
Got a song, podcast, or another audio track that you want to copy directly to your iPhone, but don’t want to add to your computers general iTunes library? You can skip adding the song to the computer ...
More print screen mac related news:
Cara Print Screen Di Komputer 26 Feb 2011 | 05:47 pm
1. Pastikan tampilan komputer yang akan di print screan 2. Tekan print screan sysrq ( pada saat anda tekan print screan sysrq tidak akan keluar warning apapun ) 3. Setelah anda tekan print screan anda...
Dokazi za oglaševanje 20 Sep 2009 | 06:16 am
Torej v tej temi "ta pridni" člani, ki oglašujete naš forum, lepite print screene v predogledu, da vidimo, kje vse nas oglašujete. Prosim pa vas, da naslov foruma prekrijete, saj drugače bo izgledalo ...
Ubuntu – how do I…? 7 Apr 2009 | 11:38 pm
Restart the X-Server (the low level windowing sub-system): CTL+ALT+BACKSPACE Capture the screen to a graphic file: Just hit the Print Screen key (Prt Scr on my keyboard) Why doesn’t CTL+X delete p...
IIM Ranchi website ( ) hacked or not ? 9 Mar 2010 | 07:21 am
Lot of tweets saying that IIM Ranchi website is hacked. But when i checked the ower of this site, its showing a name Ashish Kumar. i have attached some print screens of my findings. Go through that. W...
Collection 126! 29 May 2012 | 06:34 pm
STATUS 29/5: LAUNCHED! Facebook promotion applies for this collection! Send in a print screen of the shared album/link on your Facebook profile together with your payment details and you'll get t...
Collection 125! 16 May 2012 | 09:12 pm
STATUS 16/5: LAUNCHED! Facebook promotion applies for this collection! Send in a print screen of the shared album/link on your Facebook profile together with your payment details and you'll get t...
COLLECTION 124! 10 May 2012 | 06:09 am
STATUS 10/5: LAUNCHED! Facebook promotion applies for this collection! Send in a print screen of the shared album/link on your Facebook profile together with your payment details and you'll get t...
Collection 123 30 Apr 2012 | 04:05 am
STATUS 30/4: LAUNCHED! Facebook promotion applies for this collection! Send in a print screen of the shared album/link on your Facebook profile together with your payment details and you'll get t...
Winsnap software buat snapshoot. 20 May 2009 | 08:16 am
mungkin diantara teman-teman ada yang udah pernah mendengar tentang sofware winsnap.. sofware ini dibuat untuk snapshoot atau dengan kata lain seperti print screen pada feature SO kita.... akan tetapi...
First Task 28 May 2009 | 09:52 pm
Nama : Rifqi Syafi’atul Hidayah Jurusan : Tek. komputer dan jaringan Tugas Pertama meliputi : 1. make folder 2. Print Screen 3. Writing on Microsoft word