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Play pro ball / team tryouts 3 Jul 2013 | 09:37 am
Come tryout for the blue spiders men's team $150.00 try outs Those who make the team will have a fee of $500.00 for the season this includes living expenses and travel this also includes game footage...
Marcus James to play pro ball in Canada 22 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
Sam Houston's Most Valuable Player in 2012, Marcus James, selected in NBL Canada Draft this week
Relevant Info on Newest Phil Roger Bernadina (SHARKADINA) 21 Aug 2013 | 11:35 pm
Oh my goodness so here's the deal: The guys at SHARKADINA (that's pretty dope) name him "The Shark", wore shark hoods (yesplz) to Natinals games, and then got to hang out with him! Any pro ball player...
This Week On Mike Filey’s Toronto – September 1st, 2013 26 Aug 2013 | 10:13 pm
It’s a classic baseball trivia question – “Where did Babe Ruth hit his first pro-ball home-run ?” – the answer is, on Toronto Island, 99 years ago this week – and historian Mike Filey will tell the in...
『NW-STUDIO PRO W』 発売のお知らせ 7 Jun 2011 | 01:05 pm
スペック面では計りきれない「画期的な技術」がもたらす説得力のある音質。 M.I.Labs社開発『Pore Controlテクノロジー(特開2009-164942)』 による「DUAL Anti-Standing Wave System」を採用した、 従来のインイヤーヘッドホンとは決定的に違った製品です。 製品ページ プレスリリース
Titleist Golf Balls 16 Dec 2011 | 01:04 am
Titleist Golf Balls – Deals Of The Day Sorting products by Store Name Titleist Pro V1 Mint Refinished Official Golf Balls,12-Pack more... $22.42 Titleist Pro V1 Golf Balls (2011 Model, One Dozen) The ...
Titleist Pro V1 Golf Balls 2011 From 20 Apr 2012 | 03:36 am
Looking for some new golf balls to swing-start the 2012 golfing season? There are many good reasons why Titleist are the obvious choice. Titleist are the Number One Ball in Golf, and they have just re...
Hitting a Golf Ball in Slow Motion 9 Apr 2012 | 05:13 am
Hitting golf ball in slow motion in backyard, shot in 120 fps, upscaled to 720p and slowed to 24 fps (20%) and 12 fps (10%) using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.