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– Damai Subimawanto's Blog | This is Real, This is Me
I, Robot (2004) [Story and Review] 4 Feb 2013 | 09:50 pm
Well, this is my first posting in English. Here, I want to write a full story and then I want to make some short review about the movie. I’m sorry if there are some misses and mistakes in the story, b...
Tips Agar Mendengar Jam Alarm ketika Tidur 14 Aug 2012 | 12:03 am
Selamat datang di blog Damai Subimawanto.. Wow, sudah lama sekali rasanya saya tidak menulis postingan di blog ini, ada rasa kangen gimana gitu buat nulis postingan.. Baiklah, pada penulisan kali ini,...