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Marketing Training 28 Jun 2013 | 04:55 pm
Congratulations to all those who participated in the Marketing Training part of the Seachefs Revenue Project. The I.D.E.A Marketing concept was well received by all Revenue Managers and Promoters. W...
dnata Cruise Sales Training 14 May 2013 | 07:15 pm
Many thanks to all of the participants of the dnata Cruise Sales Training session held on the 8th of May at 13:30hrs - 16:30hrs. I appreciated your positive contribution and interest shown. I trust t...
More progress international media related news:
It is safe to visit Bangkok again after riots 18 Jun 2010 | 05:54 am
Bangkok is on the international media highlight recently. Not because for its beautiful city and gorgoeus nightlife, but for a travel warning. Many countries had warned their people not to visit Bangk...
Reflections 16 Mar 2012 | 04:29 am
The past four days have been a distilled, highly concentrated cross section of my life: intensive international media to celebrate the premiere of Missing, a unique 10 episode show set all across euro...
Progressive International Collapsible Cupcake and Cake Carrier 19 Feb 2012 | 12:15 pm
Progressive International Collapsible Cupcake and Cake Carrier Innovative cake/cupcake carrier collapses to 1/2 its original height for storage and saving space in the dishwasher Tiered cupcake tray...
Progressive International Collapsible Cupcake and Cake Carrier Reviews 17 Feb 2012 | 10:18 pm
Progressive International Collapsible Cupcake and Cake Carrier Innovative cake/cupcake carrier collapses to 1/2 its original height for storage and saving space in the dishwasher Tiered cupcake tray...
Nickelodeon HD w ofercie Cyfrowego Polsatu 4 Oct 2011 | 08:35 pm
Już 4 października 2011 roku do portfolio Viacom International Media Networks w Polsce dołączy pierwszy młodzieżowy kanał high definition - Nickelodeon HD. Tego samego dnia nowa stacja, firmowana mark...
Help Save Eman Al-Obeidi 29 Mar 2011 | 09:33 am
Eman Al-Obeidi is a name that became headline news, this brave lady told her harrowing story to the international media in Tripoli, Libya knowing that she will be punished severely for telling the tru...
Welcome to Progress International Training 12 Oct 2011 | 02:45 am
Thank you for visiting the Progress International Training site. If you recently participated in a Progress International Training course take a look at our "Training Picture Galley" left sidebar. I...
Progressive International HGT-11 Review 19 Jan 2011 | 10:57 pm
Progressive International HGT-11 folding mandoline slicer is designed for ideal usage over a bowl or cutting surface; it has received excellent reviews from customers; here is a brief insight to the p...
Wisdom 2011 – Online Technical Paper Contest 24 Dec 2011 | 05:35 am
Wisdom 2011 – Online Technical Paper Contest ELECTRONICSBUS Electronics Research and Design Technologies Magazine is an International Media, provides an interactive platform for every electronics eng...
Homepage 31 Oct 2009 | 01:38 am
Recommended browser for this site: Firefox NEWS The Center for International Media Ethics (CIME) offers courses in journalism ethics with a focus in J-Ethinomics, combining Journalism, Ethics and Ec...