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Montreal Simon: Stephen Harper and the Great Fall Offensive 27 Aug 2013 | 02:14 pm
Well he's back in his bunker of his dilapidated mansion. No doubt desperately trying to erase the memory of his disastrous Great Escape Tour. Or recharging his batteries for The Great Fall Offensive. ...
Facing Autism in New Brunswick: 2 Harmful Acts: Autism Hate Letter And CHEO Removing Autistic Child With GDD From Early Intervention Program 27 Aug 2013 | 01:53 pm
The notorious autism hate letter that targeted an Ontario family and their autistic child has sparked horror and outrage around the world. As the father of a 17 year old son with severe autistic diso...
More progressive bloggers finger pointing related news:
Is Nuclear Green Progressive? 24 Aug 2013 | 08:59 pm
I have to credit Meredith Angwin for including Nuclear Green Revolution with other progressive pro nuclear bogs. My impression, at one point, a few years ago was that most pro nuclear bloggers were pr...