Most project life week 16 related news are at:

Keeping your Kids SmartPhones Safe with Zact 27 Aug 2013 | 06:57 am
I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Zact. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating. My son will be 15 in just a couple of months! He has a smar...
I’m a Brand Ambassador for #MyDietCoke 22 Aug 2013 | 08:08 pm
I am guilty! I LOVE Diet Coke! It is my drink of choice and if I go too long without it, I can get grumpy! So I was thrilled to be picked to be a Diet Coke amabassador and so happy that I will be ...
More project life week 16 related news:
Project Life - Week 2 23 Jan 2013 | 06:15 am
And here is Week two! I can't say enough about how this project just gets better and better with time :) I've decided to have some consistency in my album this year with the date pages. I am going ...
Project Life :: Weeks 3 & 4 22 Feb 2013 | 09:01 pm
Hi Everyone! I've been meaning to share this for awhile now... thus far I've been keeping up with my PL project on a weekly basis; mostly on Sundays as I look back on the week. Unfortunately I haven...
Project Life|Week 39 28 Feb 2013 | 11:46 am
Hello! Just edited this week up! Here it is… I dug into my 6x6 paper stash for this one. Went with blue,green,yellow and black. Can I just say, again, how thankful I am for my phone? Most phot...
project life: weeks 3 thru 10 17 Jun 2013 | 03:49 am
I am so far behind on my project life, it is ridiculous. It's the nature of the project, and I was prepared for it. . . well, kinda. I was a few weeks behind from being so non-committal at the begin...
Project Life Week 1 11 Jun 2013 | 08:32 am
I am doing Project Life, yo. Here is week 1. Enjoy!
Project 52 Week 16: Llegaron, yay! 22 Apr 2013 | 05:34 am
It's always a wonderful time when my parents roll into town. And, they came during Fiesta - bonus! I feel like I've walked a thousand miles already since their arrival, it's been a busy time. The ki...
Project Life|Week 39 28 Feb 2013 | 11:46 am
Hello! Just edited this week up! Here it is… I dug into my 6x6 paper stash for this one. Went with blue,green,yellow and black. Can I just say, again, how thankful I am for my phone? Most phot...
Project Life | Week 27 and Week 28 16 Jul 2013 | 10:42 pm
Yes, I do realize that I'm missing a couple of weeks. Here's the deal. We moved. My Project Life, up until week 28, has been all paper. Which means I have to have the time to sit down and have picture...
Project Life – Week 28 & Mia’s Babybook 31 Jul 2013 | 09:45 am
This past week I started to back track and worked on Week 28 and started my new baby Mia’s baby album. Today she’s 8 weeks old! These past 8 weeks she’s been giving little glimpses of the personality ...
Project Life - Week 26 17 Aug 2013 | 11:00 am
A 100% Studio Calico Atlantic Project Life double spread this week!