Most ps1 emulator mac related news are at:

best practice for mac security 25 Aug 2013 | 09:19 pm
This post is a collection of things to form a best-practice for securing your mac. 1) enable password after sleep or screensaver settings > security > require a password immediately after sleep or s...
how to encrypt external usb flash drives on mac osx 22 Aug 2013 | 07:06 pm
This post will show you how to encrypt your external drives so that your data remains safe. it really only works with new drives though, so if you have a drive thats already got lots of data on it, y...
More ps1 emulator mac related news:
PCSXR Xenon v0.62 21 Mar 2012 | 03:24 pm
Ced2911 released a new version of his PS1 emulator using the free/legal libxenon for homebrew/JTAG 360s: [QUOTE] Pcsxr-xenon is a sony playstation 1 emulator using libxenon, based on lastest PCSX-Relo...
[VITA] Firmware Update 1.80 kommt im August | Alle Infos 15 Aug 2012 | 10:04 pm
Die PlayStation Vita wird noch im August ein Firmware Update erhalten, welches vor allem den Handheld für die PS1 EMulation fit macht. Dazu gibts aber noch allerhand andere Neuerungen. Hier sind ein ...
MemcardRex 1.7 released 21 Jun 2013 | 12:36 pm
Shendo released an update to his memorycard manager for PS1 emulators. Changes: - DTR line is now used in DexDrive communication. - Adjusted timing for DexDrive communication. - Memory Cards that wer...
Does it run on Linux or Macs? 22 Sep 2009 | 09:04 am
I don’t know. It’s never been tested on any emulators on those systems. It needs Microsoft’s .Net framework. Its requirements are modest – it doesn’t use a database system and doesn’t need to run quic...
Some MAC ROMs 1 Feb 2011 | 09:47 am
Some Mac ROMs, for use with emulation programs such as Mini vMac and Basilisk. Includes Plus, Classic, Colour Classic, LC, LCII, LCIII, LC475, IIcx,Performa570, Performa580, Performa630, Centris650, Q...
GameShark Emulator Ps1 24 Dec 2010 | 05:52 am
Untuk temen-temen yang pngen menggunakan gameshark untuk bermain game ps 1 di kompuer/laptop... langsung aja di download emulator game shark nya ya....!!! Cara Instal : Instal program yang sudah an...
Main PS1 Pakai Pc 17 Aug 2010 | 07:19 am
Anda ingin bermain game ps1 tapi tidak memiliki consolenya,atau anda ingin main game ps1 kesayangan anda atau ingin mencoba kembali game2 lama.Dengan bantuan software ps Emulator anda bisa memainkan g...
How To Install PCSX2 for Mac Plugin 24 Feb 2011 | 05:31 pm
If you own a Mac, already installed PS2 Emulator for Mac, PCSX2 Mac, and wondering how to install its needed plugins. Look no further, here's a video to show the PCSX2 Mac plugin installation process....
ZZOgl-pg 0.1.0 released 24 Feb 2011 | 05:26 pm
ZZOgl-pg 0.1.0 is graphic plugin for PCSX2 Mac, a PS2 Emulator for Mac. Now on svn r3536, and closer to what will be used for 0.9.7 release. This release fixes some GUI related bug like arrow in FF X...
PCSX2 Mac | PS2 Emulator for Mac 18 Feb 2009 | 03:13 pm
Mac users don't left behind when it comes to PS2 Emulator. PCSX2, the best PS2 emulator are not only available for Windows and Linux, but also for Mac too. PCSX2 for Mac is ported by Zedr0n, as for no...