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Create A Scrapbook Alphabet 17 Feb 2011 | 04:28 am
Introduction In this Photoshop Text Effect you’ll learn to create cool Scrapbook style text that can be used as a stand alone word treatment or converted to individual reusable .png files with a trans...
Create A 3D Push Pin 4 Feb 2011 | 02:45 pm
Introduction Back when I wrote the popular A Scrap Of Notebook Paper tutorial quite a few of you wanted to know how I created the push pin shown in my final image. Well the wait’s over my friends! In ...
More ps hero related news:
Borda tratada para fotos monocromáticas 10 Sep 2009 | 03:14 am
PS Hero, reconhecido como um dos melhores autores de tutoriais para Photoshop na net é o autor que nos guia por esse ótimo tutorial. Neste tutorial ele nos mostra como criar uma borda “tratada” para n...
Software users get to choose the best of both worlds 27 Mar 2011 | 02:35 am
By Derek Baldwin | Gulf News | March 26, 2011 Dubai: Don’t believe everything you read about tech camps siding only with either proprietary software (PS) or open source software (OSS), says a Harvard...
MapleStory Dual Blade Skills and Skill Builds 2 Feb 2011 | 04:41 am
The Explorer Heroes: Dual Bladers ~ Credits to Hanabira.Kage for skill comments ~ Credits to poeinstinct for Dual Blade Training Ground Introduction The previous Dark Lord had a student Jin and a ...
Quad race: the Patronelli brothers come under pressure 16 Dec 2011 | 02:52 am
With Marcos in 2010 and Alejandro in 2011, the Patronelli brothers took the lead in the quad category. But the competition didn’t throw in the towel when confronted with the two Argentine heroes,...
FilmMasti.Us_The.Big.Hero.BM.1CD.DVD.Team.BmK.avi 20 Jan 2012 | 08:47 am
Efunfun網頁遊戲「英雄遠征」客服無能出爾反爾 (更新一) 23 Apr 2012 | 09:41 pm
以下是幫助一位朋友(現實)轉發,如果大家也支持本人的話,請各位瘋狂轉發到各社交媒體,謹以致謝! 本編文章轉發連結: 代理營運商﹕ 遊戲官方網頁﹕ 遊戲官方FB﹕http://www...
DotA Allstars 6.63 18 Sep 2009 | 07:03 am
Icefrog lanzó una nueva versión oficial del mapa más jugado de Warcraft 3, DotA Allstars 6.63, en esta nueva versión han habido importantes cambios en los valores de los Items y Heroes, forzando a los...
Pet Society "Tinturas para Pet" by Patiniox 9 Apr 2010 | 03:17 pm
Bueno… siguiendo con la línea de PS les escribo esta vez dado que e recibido muchísimos mails preguntando acerca de las nuevas tinturas que se venden hoy día en en el juego las cuales permiten teñir l...
南极星全球通 3.0 正式发布:支持最新浏览器 IE9, Firefox 4/5, Google Chrome, Opera 11 and Safari 5 30 May 2011 | 12:22 pm
我们很激动地宣布南极星全球通3.0 今天正式发布。支持最新浏览器 IE9, Firefox 4/5, Google Chrome, Opera 11 and Safari 5。同时支持32bit和64bit应用程序,DirectX文字。南极星全球通3.0 所有部件全部采用UNICODE6.0为内码,能够输入7万汉字。专业版带有10款以上的南极星OpenType PS 字库,适用于所有Unicode...
Santa Rockstar 4 23 Dec 2011 | 09:55 am
Santa Rockstar 4 est un jeu de guitare comme Guitar Hero avec des musiques rock sur le thème de noel. Appuie sur les bonnes touches au bon moment pour jouer de la guitare et évite les fausses notes ! ...