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Custom Firmware 6.60 ME-1.8 10 Apr 2012 | 02:05 am
NeurOn vydal novou verzi custom firmwaru 6.60 Minimum Edition pro PSP-1000 a PSP-2000. Custom Firmware 6.60 ME je hybridní firmware pro PSP (PSP-1000) a PSP Slim (PSP-2000), vyjma PSP-2000 se základní...
Como Downgrade Sony PSP 1000, 2000 e 3000 Modelos 30 May 2012 | 08:18 am
Em meu post anterior – “Como atualizar o seu Firmware PSP” Eu mencionei que o Sony PSP funciona em sistema de software apelidado, Firmware. Firmware atua como o software ou por assim dizer o sistema o...
Sony PlayStation Portable 3000 10 Dec 2008 | 02:28 am
The PSP-3000 is the redesigned version of Sony's popular PlayStation Portable. The first PSP-1000 was followed by the PSP Slim&Lite (PSP-2000) announced during E3 2007. The PSP-3000 is an even slicker...
PSP CUSTOM FIRMWARE 6.38 ME 16 Apr 2011 | 10:47 am
Neur0n publie son custom firmware pour le dernier firmware PSP officiel, 6.38. Il est dorénavant compatible avec les PSP 1000 et 2000. Le Custom Firmware 6.38 ME permet la lecture d'ISO et d'homebrew,...
All in one installer 5 Jan 2010 | 12:05 pm
Any-PSP CFW Installer Pack. I’ll be giving you all a total of 4 installers, two for CHA PSPs and two for PHA PSPs. Here they are: CHA PSP (A PSP 1000 or a PSP 2000 with a TA088v2 or lower motherboard...
PSP Battery Pack 19 Jul 2012 | 08:49 am
PSP Battery Pack 3.6V/1800mAh battery pack designed for PSP 1000 series. Note: This battery may not fit PSP 2000 or newer versions. This is the standard version for psp. A spare battery pack to keep...
Light Custom Firmware LCFW 6.60 ME-1.8 25 Dec 2012 | 05:20 am
Neur0nova aktuální verze Light Custom Firmwaru (LCFW) 6.60 ME pro PSP s oficiálním firmwarem 6.60, kompatibilní s modely PSP-1000 / 2000 / 3000 / PSPgo (01g ,02g , 03g, 04g, 05g, 07g, 09g) a novým mod...
[Recopilatorio] Instalador recopilatorio para PSP (1000/2000/3000/GO) Definitivo (6.60 ME y 6.60 LME) 28 Jan 2013 | 06:13 am
Comienzo mi andadura por este blog/Web con mi ultimo instalador para PSP (Todos los modelos) y PSP Go (Todos los modelos). Se trata de un Todo en uno (TEU) donde van metidos todos los instaladores pa...