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My Bibliography enhanced 13 Jul 2012 | 11:00 pm

The My NCBI, My Bibliography Award View display, a tool to assist eRA Commons users to comply with NIH Public Access policy, was enhanced.

Discovery tools 19 Jun 2012 | 01:00 am

PubMed "Results by year" and PubMed Central "PMC images search" tools now display in the discovery column for all PubMed users.

More pub med central related news:

Horse Semen Shots A Big Hit In NZ Pub 24 Jun 2011 | 08:48 am

Hoihoi tatea is an apple infused horse semen shots that is proving to be a very popular drink at the Green Man Pub in central Wellington, New Zealand. The pub created this drink as part of their entry...

[Video] Tour Surrey’s New Upgraded Central City Brewery & Distillery 13 Aug 2013 | 08:24 am

Your favourite local pub in Central City recently got an upgrade just down the hill in Whalley/Bridgeview. That’s right, the award winning brewery and distillery recently expanded into a second larger...

»The Melting Pot« 24 Aug 2013 | 05:19 am

(klik f. større billede). Kortet viser raceopdelingen i New York med Manhattan midt i billedet med Central Park (det hvide område). Ser man på det interaktive kort, ser alle amerikanske byer sådan ud,...

Oak Bar Stools Provide Rustic Charm 3 Aug 2011 | 10:17 am

When North Americans think of Europe, they often envision towering cathedrals and dimly-lit local pubs. This is a central meeting place in many small English villages, friends meet here, colleagues ga...

Kylling med karamelliseret løg (Murgh Masala) 15 Dec 2011 | 12:00 am

Ingefær, spidskommen og kanel er helt centrale krydderier i de indiske retter. Denne Murgh Masala er ingen undtagelse!

Chargé de Référencement / Webmarketing Maroc 20 May 2010 | 11:04 am

Med AALAYCH : Technico-commercial / marketing , chargé de référencement webmarketing , intelligence internet et trafic web , compétences ( E-Business, E-pub, E-tourisme ), passioné par le monde intern...

Bli smart med store pupper 8 Jul 2009 | 11:35 am

Klart jenter med store pupper har høyere IQ:

Pixpro Stockholm AB 7 Dec 2009 | 07:34 am

Välkommen till Joomla! experterna Pix­pro är Sve­ri­ges främsta Joomla spe­ci­a­li­se­rade web­byrå. Pix­pro grun­da­des 2003 och byg­ger webb­plat­ser, web­bap­pli­ka­tio­ner och intra­nät med pub­l...

Delhi University (DU) Admission BEd BEl.Ed MEd Courses Date Form 11 Sep 2011 | 05:39 pm

Faculty of Education Central Institute of Education (CIE) Department of Education University Of Delhi 33, Chhatra Marg, University of Delhi, Delhi-1100007  Ph. 011-27667030, 27667509 Sale of...

FENApub med idéquiz i Linköping, 10 feb 3 Feb 2011 | 12:18 am

Föreningen för Entreprenörskap och NyföretagarAnda vid Linköpings Universitet bjuder in till pub i Gasquen, torsdagen den 10 februari kl 18.00. Detta är ett ypperligt tillfälle att träffa entreprenörs...

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