Most publix deals and coupon matchup related news are at:

Teavana $10 OFF + FREE Sample Blueberry Kona Pop! 31 May 2012 | 05:09 am
Order with Teavana and receive a FREE Sample Blueberry Kona Pop. Plus save $10 on any $60 or more purchase with every Order at! Use promo code: SAVE10NOW
6 GREAT FREEBIES!!! 29 May 2012 | 11:03 am
Love these great freebies! 6 Products, 1 Price: Free! A new offer just in time for spring. 6 FREE Products! Choose from business cards, stamps, t-shirts, sticky notes, flip books and tote bags! The p...
More publix deals and coupon matchup related news:
Weis Coupon Matchups 9/23-9/29 21 Sep 2012 | 06:40 pm
Here are the best deals and coupon matchups at Weis Markets starting Sunday 9/23. It's a fairly slow week, but there is a great Cereal and Milk deal on Post Kids Cereals! Spend $6.00 after the coupons...
Price Chopper Best Deals and Coupon Matchups for the Week of 12/16 16 Dec 2012 | 02:42 am
Here are the best deals and coupon matchups for the week of 12/16. In-ad Coupons Glaceau Vitamin Water B6G2 Free Lipton Iced Tea 12pk 2/$10 Pepsi 12pk 3/$11 or 5/$11 (regional ad difference) Coca...
Pick ‘n Save Coupon Matchups and Double Coupon Deals for June 22 & 26 21 Jun 2013 | 10:47 pm
Here is our weekly summary of the best deals with coupon matchups this week at Pick ‘n Save, as analyzed and prepared by Rose from Rose Knows Coupons. As we posted about yesterday, every Saturday and ...
Commissary Matchups 4/11- 4/24 12 Apr 2013 | 07:35 pm
A new sales cycle has started at the Commissary and it will run through April 24th. This is a list of all the deals and coupon matchups that I notice. Check out the lit and see what deals you can grab...
Weis Coupon Matchups 9/23-9/29 21 Sep 2012 | 06:40 pm
Here are the best deals and coupon matchups at Weis Markets starting Sunday 9/23. It's a fairly slow week, but there is a great Cereal and Milk deal on Post Kids Cereals! Spend $6.00 after the coupons...
Price Chopper Best Deals and Coupon Matchups for the Week of 12/16 16 Dec 2012 | 02:42 am
Here are the best deals and coupon matchups for the week of 12/16. In-ad Coupons Glaceau Vitamin Water B6G2 Free Lipton Iced Tea 12pk 2/$10 Pepsi 12pk 3/$11 or 5/$11 (regional ad difference) Coca...
Dollar General Weekly Ad: August 25 – September 2 27 Aug 2013 | 01:00 am
Here are my favorite Dollar General deals and coupon matchups for the week. See the Dollar General Deals and Coupon Matchups page for the complete list of this week’s matchups. Dollar General Shoppin...
Aldi Weekly Ad: August 25 – 31 26 Aug 2013 | 08:00 pm
Here are my favorite Aldi deals and coupon matchups for the week. Check out the Aldi Deals page for the complete list of this week’s matchups. Aldi Shopping Resources: More Aldi Deals My favorite e...
Kroger Coupon Matchups | Week of August 26, 2013 26 Aug 2013 | 01:26 am
:: Kroger Coupon Matchups and Deals – week of August 26, 2013 Here are the best Kroger deals and coupon matchups that I see for the week. I’ve listed my favorites…please check out my Kroger Coupon Ma...
ShopRite Sale/Deals With Coupon Matchups 8/25 – 8/31 26 Aug 2013 | 11:20 pm
Here are this week’s best deals at Shop Rite with coupon matchups, with thanks to Living Rich with Coupons for compiling them. You can find the ShopRite Coupon policy here. Print your coupons at Coup...