Most pull down menu related news are at:

Aplikasi administrasi penilaian dengan excel 26 May 2013 | 09:59 am
Penilaian yang teradministrasi untuk sekian kelas akan terdokumentasi dengan baik bila kita memanfaatkan fasilitas TIK, bisa menggunakan aplikasi apapun. Kali ini saya mencoba memanfaatkan aplikasi ex...
Membuat Aplikasi sederhana dengan Ecxel untuk penulisan Raport SMAN 1 Geger 23 Mar 2013 | 09:51 pm
Bermula dari keinginan wali kelas agar bisa menulis raport di excel yang cepat dan tidak salah !!!, untuk menjawab keinginan para wali kelas ini sayapun mencoba browsing jenis jenis raport SMA yang ad...
More pull down menu related news:
Cara Pengoperasian MS.Excel 27 Sep 2010 | 11:56 pm
Buka MS.Excel mu ! 1. title bar: judul nama buku kerja (workbook) 2. pull-down: menu dalam betuk text yang pada salah satu hurufnya terdapat garis bawah 3. pointer: penunjuk posisi sel 4. toolbar iko...
Pharmacies in Linz (Map with Directions) 13 Jan 2010 | 08:57 am
The pharmacies in an overview map of Linz / Upper Austria with a list of the pharmacies and optional directions. In the pull-down menu of the individual pharmacies you find the map with optional direc...
Google Launches Online Dictionary 7 Dec 2009 | 05:36 am
Search giant Google has launched Google Dictionary — an online dictionary service that offers definitions of words in 28 languages. “Google Dictionary isn’t in the pull down menu above the main Google...
CSS3 Pullout Menu 17 Mar 2010 | 10:16 am
This demo is for a folding pull-out menu that uses CSS3 elements and JavaScript only. It uses no images or flash to produce the effect although they could be used to enhance the natural feel. View De...
New Pull up Menu 17 Jan 2009 | 08:00 am
A new pull up menu added to the list
Digital Library 5 Feb 2013 | 12:34 am
Database Access Journal Access E-Journals (full text access) – [note: this should be a pull down menu configuration – alphabetical in format for browsing or the ability to search one title: both ...
Digital Library 5 Feb 2013 | 12:34 am
Database Access Journal Access E-Journals (full text access) – [note: this should be a pull down menu configuration – alphabetical in format for browsing or the ability to search one title: both ...
Pandora Charms 28 Feb 2013 | 01:39 pm
Pandora Charm – Silver plated KEY Charms Pandora compatable charms KEY design. Fits any pandora, Troll or chamilia bracelets or necklace. choose the color from the pull down menu Pandora Charms
OpenRice《開飯喇!》換新裝 + BlackBerry App嚐鮮 6 Jun 2013 | 11:42 pm
每逢大伙兒聚餐或玩樂時想不到要吃甚麼,朋友和同事一定會說:「OpenRice啦!」確實到今天OpenRice經已變成動詞而不是只形容這個飲食搜尋網站的名詞。可惜它的網站一直沒有什麼改變,多年的Geocities(人家都倒下了)老土風格再加上過多的下拉菜單(Pull Down Menu)、山寨式「失驚無神」按鈕(「開飯生活」和「得獎熱店」右上角又有不同顏色同形狀的「開飯遊蹤」按鈕)和「勁似大陸網站細...
Ultimate Horizontal Drop Down Menus 12 Aug 2013 | 05:48 pm
Drop-down menu is also popular as the pull-down menu. This is important in the web design. It plays an important role in the preparation of an influential and attractive user-friendly website. This is...