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– PM Hobbycraft : Do it For Real
PROUD BIRD EF1 ARF 18 Jun 2013 | 05:00 pm
PROUD BIRD EF1 ARF (RC Air/Heli Models) This is the Radio Controlled, Electric Powered, Almost Ready to Fly, Proud Bird EF1 Sport Racer from Great Planes. Approved for NMPRA EF1 Class Racing. For adv...
1/10 RAIDER RTR 2.4G YEL 31 May 2013 | 05:00 pm
1/10 RAIDER RTR 2.4G YEL (RC Surface Kits and RTR) This is the electric powered, 2.4GHz radio controlled 1/10 scale, ready to run Raider Baja Buggy with Painted Body from Arrma. FEATURES: Chassis: A...