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More punk buster related news:
Punk Buster and Game Violations 12 Sep 2009 | 10:50 pm
When you guys will install Punk Buster to get rid of CHEATERS? There are still some issues related to PB as u have to type pb_security 0 or run game "as Admin", but number of cheaters visiting DW ser...
Thinking of joining BKops but not sure yet? 16 Jul 2007 | 09:24 pm
We have moved over to TS3 our IP for TS3 is and the port is: 9101. You can get TS3 from Are you getting kicked by Punk Buster for disallowed program/driver [123140]? Clic...
Punk Economics 28 Feb 2012 | 08:48 pm
In Europa läuft einiges schief, sonst wäre nicht ein Deutscher Papst und ein Italiener EZB-Chef geworden. Mit solch bildlichen Vergleichen erklärt der irische Oekonom David McWilliams die Wirtschaft....
Hawaiian Inspired Vans Vault “Aloha” Pack 9 Apr 2011 | 02:16 am
Vans would break the tradition punk skate board shoes. This all Hawaiian inspired Vans sneaker have all wish of one point and another. Without a fear this new Vans Vault pack would be appropriately na...
scifi metal punk rock band seeks drummer 15 May 2012 | 04:49 am
ماهي ثقافة و جماعة Emo ؟ 11 Oct 2008 | 09:55 am
الإيمو - emo هو إختصار لمصطلح متمرد ذو نفسية حساسة Emotive Driven Hardcore Punk أو Emotive اي .. شخصية حساسة , وقد أخذت هذه الظاهرة في الإنتشار بين الشباب المراهقين فقط ,, ليس لهم تعرف او معنى واح...
Punk Rock Bowling, 5.27.12: The big dance 29 May 2012 | 08:07 am
Matt Morrish ripping it during The English Beat's Sunday set (cell shot by Max Plenke) After Saturday’s night of skinhead squabbles, we were sure another evening at the Bunkhouse would be another spe...
Punk Rock Bowling, 05.26.12: Take the skinheads bowling 29 May 2012 | 08:01 am
The Templars playing the Bunkhouse for Punk Rock Bowling It’s strange to walk into a downtown venue on Memorial Day Weekend and see more L.A. folks than you’d see on the Strip. Especially in a space ...
The one where costs charging goes to the extreme 14 Jan 2012 | 08:51 pm
The wonderful people in the Cost Buster program came up with a brilliant idea a couple of years ago: let’s stop paying for things centrally, but let the teams that use something pay their share! So in...
[CSS] Pionowo czy poziomo? 26 Nov 2011 | 12:51 pm
Nie będzie to flame, chciałem przedstawić Wam tylko mój punk widzenia. Do chwili zatrudnienia się w Firmie byłem święcie przekonany, że jedynym słusznym formatowaniem jest formatowanie pionowe, gdzie ...