Most putting logos on qr codes related news are at:

More putting logos on qr codes related news: QR (Quick Response) Code 28 Dec 2009 | 01:26 am
QR code pixel art with a classic Apple logo. Since QR code has error correction “built-in” I could play a bit with pixels to customize the matrix with pixel art. And for what can be better i...
What are QR Codes? 2 Apr 2012 | 10:00 pm
By now you have probably heard something about QR Codes and if you’re still confused or in the dark about what QR Codes are then look not further. We’ve put together a “QR Code for Dummies” presentat...
Ontwerp QR Codes 9 Sep 2011 | 06:56 pm
Unieke persoonlijke QR codes Door kleuren te gebruiken en beeldmerken of logo's in QR codes te verwerken word het mogelijk om unieke en voor het oog meer aantrakkelijke QR codes te maken. Design QR....
Scanning QR Codes 3 Feb 2012 | 08:12 pm
These days, you can see QR codes almost everywhere. You see them at stores, on products, on screens. So one day, I was curious how the gears are put together to read QR codes. I ended up reading the I...
Put a QR code on it 31 Jan 2012 | 08:49 am
If you're into QR codes, here's a cool one (created by iamDim) that points to the Fancy website. Save a copy to stick on your blog or print to stickers. Enjoy! Permalink
Put QR Codes to Work 25 Jun 2011 | 09:47 pm
A Quick Response (QR) code is a two-dimensional code that can be scanned by smartphone cameras to automatically pull up text, photos, videos, music and URLs. These codes have become mobile-friendly wa...
You did it! 13 Nov 2010 | 07:19 am
This is just a test. The only link to this page is from the QR code that I put in today’s post. QR codes are all the rage . . at least at the moment. They are not new they just have not caught on h...
QR Code Art 6 Jun 2012 | 12:57 am
Famous Australian artist Yiying Lu just put out a video documenting her most recent art project involving QR codes. The project is titled, “Beautiful Traps”, and features paintings of women wearing c...
QR-Code de configuración de acceso a WIFI 25 Sep 2012 | 04:55 pm
Hoy presentamos el ejemplo de la configuración de una WIFI mediante la captura de un QR. Es una utilidad brillante. Ej. Llego a una conocida-cafetería-con-una-especie-de-sirena-en-su-logo, capturo el ...
QR code: fonctionnement et applications 26 Nov 2012 | 01:00 pm
On entend parler de cet espèce de logo bizarre de plus en plus et on le retrouve un peu partout ces derniers temps: c’est le QR code. Le Qr code (QR signifiant quick reponse), appelé aussi flashcode o...