Most pvp gear cataclysm related news are at:

A fond Farewell 25 Oct 2010 | 12:42 am
Hi folks. I got to first apologise for leaving this blog hanging for so long. My friends ingame have seen how little I’ve been playing recently, and that’s due to a lot of real life calls. As with mo...
Holy PTR Impressions 4 Oct 2010 | 06:16 pm
Ok, I managed to get back on. Character recopied, respecced, fully TEG’d, infact. Well, close. I can’t seem to get rid of old Glyphs using the new Vanishing powder, so my Light of Dawn is annoyingly n...
More pvp gear cataclysm related news:
Αλλαγές στο PVP gear και στο Valor 31 Aug 2011 | 10:43 pm
Είναι γεγονός ότι όπως έχουν σήμερα τα πράγματα στο PVP, όσοι είναι ακόμα χαμηλού Rank δεν έχουν καμία πιθανότητα να κερδίσουν groups παιχτών Rank 6-8. Με τις παρακάτω αλλαγές που θα προστεθούν στο επ...
Patch 4.2 - New Crafted PvP Gear 12 May 2011 | 06:56 am
Blizzard already announced that there will be a new tier of crafted PvP gear with every new major content patch. It appears that instead of the new recipes, all of the crafted PVP gear will be getting...
SWTOR Update 1.6 11 Dec 2012 | 07:58 pm
Heavily focused on PVP, SWTOR Game Update 1.6: Ancient Hypergate features the new Ancient Hypergate PVP Warzone and new Elite War Hero PVP gear. Additionally, this update introduces Heroic difficulty ...
SWTOR Update1.6 live! 11 Dec 2012 | 07:49 pm
With a heavy focus on PVP, SWTOR Game Update 1.6: Ancient Hypergate introduces the new Ancient Hypergate PVP Warzone and new Elite War Hero PvP gear. Additionally, this update features Heroic difficul...
Holy Paladin PvP Gear Guide 29 Jul 2013 | 04:20 am
Mists of Pandaria Holy Paladin PvP Gearing: How to Gear Enchant and Reforge a Holy Paladin in WoW PVP – Season 13 Patch 5.3 BY RUGMOUSE // APRIL 11, 2013 This guide is a collaborative effort with Ne...
Necros in Structured PvP – Starting Build and Gear Overview 28 Mar 2012 | 10:25 am
One of the main requests I got heading into the recent closed beta event for Guild Wars 2 was for anything and everything PvP related for the necromancer. With that in mind, I made sure to set aside a...
One bad is it for melee? 16 Feb 2011 | 01:01 am
So after a few months of Cataclysm, 3 different mains all geared for raiding and a tonne of Uni work, I've -finally- signed up for a raid. Infact, I've signed up for anything I can get my grubby littl...
[Druidl] Antitanks in Cataclysm part 2: enchants, gems, gear and reforging 30 Mar 2011 | 09:27 am
Continued from the last post. While Reesi and Tangedyn (note: no guarantees they'll stay in their feral spec/gear) did an awesome job about what to do for the spec and glyphs for a hybrid build, I di...
Shopping List: Cataclysm pre-raid gear for prot warriors 22 Dec 2010 | 04:18 am
It is time for the first edition of my shopping list for this expansion, tried and true since TBC days. As always, I will list at least 3 items per slot, in order of desirability. For those who do not...
The All-Purpose Pre-Heroic Cloth Caster Gear List 21 Dec 2010 | 04:54 am
In Cataclysm, entry into heroics requires an average ilvl greater than 328. Instead of linking to individual items, I will simply link to the wowhead search page pertaining to that item slot, so you ...