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Perforce Python API Basics 2 Mar 2012 | 06:20 am
Many Python users working with Perforce believe that calling out to "p4.exe" with subprocess is the only method available. Perforce actually maintains free, native API packages for several languages, ...
Python: determine installation prefix 18 Apr 2012 | 10:27 am
Here's a simple bash oneliner to determine the installation prefix (and more) of a python interpreter: python -c 'import sys;print("\n".join("{0:16s}: {1!r}".format(x, getattr(sys, x)) for x in ["exe...
Arrays en Pygame 14 May 2007 | 10:34 am
Para trabajar con arrays hay que tener el paquete Numpy (antes conocido como Numeric) de python, ya que pygame no lo trae incluido así que hay que instalarlo. Lo bajan de aqui y pueden elegir el .exe...
How to create Windows executable (.exe) from Python script 25 Feb 2008 | 12:03 pm
Python is a simple and powerful language for scripting and even application development. Various GUI packages available for Python makes it suitable for developing full fledged applications in python....
Kostenlose Flash-Diagramme mit FusionCharts Free 17 Nov 2008 | 11:25 pm
FusionCharts Free ist eine kostenlose Flash-Komponente, die das Erstellen von ansprechenden und animierten Diagrammen ermöglicht. Das Tool kann mit PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, Cold...
Perforce Python API Basics 2 Mar 2012 | 01:20 am
Many Python users working with Perforce believe that calling out to "p4.exe" with subprocess is the only method available. Perforce actually maintains free, native API packages for several languages, ...
Python care and feeding, the Dropbox way 17 Sep 2012 | 03:59 pm
I've just revealed (by pure accident, actually), that Dropbox client binary (i.e. Dropbox.exe file) is in fact a zip file with compiled Python files inside (.pyc files, that is). Interesting, huh? A c...
Python care and feeding, the Dropbox way 17 Sep 2012 | 03:59 pm
I've just revealed (by pure accident, actually), that Dropbox client binary (i.e. Dropbox.exe file) is in fact a zip file with compiled Python files inside (.pyc files, that is). Interesting, huh? A c...
Convert pyw to exe Using py2exe Tutorial 20 Nov 2012 | 11:24 am
Converting Pyw to exe using py2exe seems to be complicated, and it does, but in fact, it’s just a simple step once you know how to do it. I made this tutorial, because I had to convert a pyw Python fi...
Re: Nach Miranda-Start: alte ICQ-Fenster öffnen sich 5 Aug 2013 | 09:27 am
Hallo Sebastian, evtl. kann das Datenbank-Tool da helfen. Statt miranda.exe startest du dazu dbtool.exe, setzt den Haken bei "Sicherheitheitskopie erstellen", klickst auf weiter und markierst im näch...