Most python function scope related news are at:

Recursive Unix bang-bang in Python 20 Aug 2013 | 11:14 pm
There is a new series that goes 2, 3, 5, 17, 161, 15681, … and has been added to OEIS as well as being blogged about by both Shadab Ahmed and Robin Houston. The series comes from a recurrence relatio...
Set divisions/partitions 8 Jul 2013 | 02:23 am
You all remember Venn diagrams don't you? Well, after needing to split two sets into: Items unique to set1 Items common to both sets items unique to set2 For yet another time, I thought that the ...
More python function scope related news:
getElementsBySelector - CSS Query Selector for HTML DOM 8 May 2009 | 07:00 pm
getElementsBySelector is a python function which takes a standard CSS style selector and returns an array of elements objects from the document that match that selector. This is a frequently used func...
Beginning Python Tutorial (Part 10) 11 Mar 2007 | 11:00 am
Python functions, modules, and namespaces
Writing functions inside loops in JavaScript 9 Oct 2011 | 04:57 am
I’ve created a short video to help explain what the issues are when writing JavaScript functions inside loops and how to use function scope to solve those issues. Enjoy. Full screen it in order to re...
How Good C# Habits can Encourage Bad JavaScript Habits:Part 3 – Function Scope, Hoisting, & Closures 22 Oct 2010 | 01:50 am
This is the third post in a multi-part series covering common mistakes C# developers tend to make when they first start writing JavaScript. The first post covered the following topics: 1. Having Var...
Mirror Django’s get_object_or_404 in CodeIgniter 24 Apr 2010 | 01:52 am
Django has an excellent function that assists in working with models, get_object_or_404. As Python functions tend to, the name of this function is pretty descriptive: we attempt to get an object (from...
getElementsBySelector - CSS Query Selector for HTML DOM 8 May 2009 | 03:00 pm
getElementsBySelector is a python function which takes a standard CSS style selector and returns an array of elements objects from the document that match that selector. This is a frequently used func...
How Good C# Habits can Encourage Bad JavaScript Habits:Part 3 – Function Scope, Hoisting, & Closures 21 Oct 2010 | 09:50 pm
This is the third post in a multi-part series covering common mistakes C# developers tend to make when they first start writing JavaScript. The first post covered the following topics: 1. Having Varia...
Writing functions inside loops in JavaScript 8 Oct 2011 | 05:00 pm
I’ve created a short video to help explain what the issues are when writing JavaScript functions inside loops and how to use function scope to solve those issues. Enjoy. Full screen it in order to re...
Python: truncate string to n words [SOLVED] 19 Apr 2013 | 11:12 am
A friend of mine asked how to implement a python function to truncate a string to the first n words. … Continue Reading → Related posts: Know mod_python running version [SOLVED] Python: how do I ch...
This and that 17 Jun 2013 | 07:50 pm
I am still around,just in case you were wondering. I Have been extremely busy for the past month or so. The electronics for my mount have been repaired ,so I have a fully functional scope again…WOOT W...