Most python interface related news are at:

Defended PhD degrees - added Mervi Sepp' defense 23 Aug 2013 | 05:05 pm
Defended PhD degrees PhD degrees defended at IoC (or by or under the supervision of employees of IoC) 2013 Mervi Sepp, Estimation of Diffusion Restrictions in Cardiomyocytes Using Kinetic Measureme...
Kaitstud doktorikraadid - lisatud Mervi Sepa kaitsmine 23 Aug 2013 | 04:56 pm
Kaitstud doktorikraadid KübIs (või KübI töötajate poolt või nende juhendamisel) kaitstud doktorikraadid 2013 Mervi Sepp, Estimation of Diffusion Restrictions in Cardiomyocytes Using Kinetic Measure...
More python interface related news:
Snakes in the bassinet (Baby's first open source project) 18 Jan 2009 | 05:49 am
I pushed out my first open source project this week. It's a Python interface to HelpSpot's web services API. HelpSpot is a help desk application that I use, like and happily recommend. You can find m...
Python Interface – Viridian 10 Dec 2010 | 04:29 pm
Dave Eddy has created a new Python interface for Ampache called Viridian. It’s pretty dang slick. Being written in Python this interface should work anywhere that python does. Great for those who want...
pylibftdi v0.10 released 10 Jun 2012 | 10:59 pm
I’ve recently released pylibftdi v0.10. pylibftdi is a ‘minimal Pythonic interface to libftdi’, and is intended to be (possibly?) the easiest way to get up and running for simple use cases of FTDI’s r...
eGenix mxODBC 3.2.3 GA 6 May 2013 | 01:00 pm
Introduction mxODBC™ provides an easy-to-use, high-performance, reliable and robust Python interface to ODBC compatible databases such as MS SQL Server, Oracle Database, IBM DB2 and Informix , Sybase...
Problem Solved 25 Feb 2012 | 03:34 am
Thanks to Lin & Rebecca, I have turned off Captcha. I had to remove the check in the "Use new interface" box. In the old interface, the settings I wanted were available to me. Once again the two of...
Help Wanted 24 Feb 2012 | 02:19 pm
I dislike "Captcha." I've tried for over two hours to find out how to turn it off. I have failed. Lin, from Ducken Wheel w/String, was able to turn it off, but she uses the old interface. I don't ...
Complex Binding with Accordian... 27 Oct 2009 | 01:40 pm
The Accordion control is a flexible control that neatly separates region of the user interface and condenses the overall user interface.
AhsayOBS Version 7 Sneak Preview 8 Dec 2010 | 02:00 pm
Ahsay™ Backup Software version 7 will be released in 2012. One enhancement for this version is the newly designed user interface of AhsayOBS web management console. We would like to invite all of our ...
Journal: Characters Gallery 29 Jun 2011 | 08:04 pm
As you might have already noticed, we position Turbomilk as a studio perfect for drawing icons and interfaces without any other aspects of graphical works. In fact, we are clearly more than that. The ...
Evolução do Google | E o Trabalho de SEO? 24 Nov 2010 | 01:37 am
Lembram como eram os resultados do Google antingamente? Apenas resultados ordenados, contendo titles, descriptions e urls em sua interface? Pois é, O Google está em constante evolução e cada vez mais ...