Most python sqlite select related news are at:
MongoDB Pub/Sub with Capped Collections 6 Apr 2013 | 01:58 am
If you've been following this blog for any length of time, you know that my NoSQL database of choice is MongoDB. One thing that MongoDB isn't known for, however, is building a publish / subscribe syst...
MongoDB Pub/Sub with Capped Collections 6 Apr 2013 | 01:58 am
If you've been following this blog for any length of time, you know that my NoSQL database of choice is MongoDB. One thing that MongoDB isn't known for, however, is building a publish / subscribe syst...
More python sqlite select related news:
Drupal 6 services taxonomy xmlrpc php and python 20 Nov 2009 | 01:54 pm
Drupal 6 uses different methods for saving taxonomy for different taxonomy types. For multiple select based taxonomy: (php) (python) For tags based taxonomy: (php)
How to fix the Folderview screenlet properties dialog exception throw 15 Jan 2012 | 07:32 pm
Folderview screenlet is one of the screenlets that I have found very useful. But it doesn’t function correctly with the new python version (python 2.7). When the option is selected to view the propert...
国庆长假做了什么? 8 Oct 2011 | 04:17 am
——写了一个数据库。 真是感觉良好的回答,怎么没人问呢…… 于是这就是写了五天的数据库: Immutabase – A lightweight pure-Python read-only key-value database. 起因是 GAE 不支持 shelve 、sqlite 之类,datastore 慢得出奇而且非常耗 CPU 配额,正巧我又只需要读操作而不需要写操作,于是用最简单的...
Firefox 3: Convertire i cookies.sqlite in cookies.txt 7 Jul 2008 | 01:37 pm
Se doveste avere l’esigenza di convertire i cookies di firefox 3 dal nuovo formato .sqlite al vecchio e leggibile .txt dovete seguire questi semplici passi: 1) Scaricare questo script in python. 2) S...
How to Create a Date Time Snippet in Sublime Text 2 (Dynamic Signature with Time Stamp) 14 Jan 2012 | 10:45 am
You’ll have to create a new plugin. From the menu bar select Tools > New Plugin Copy the Python script from the file. Remember to replace your email address (it’s Save th...
数据库选择特定几行 20 Jun 2012 | 05:21 pm
Sqlite 选择某些行 例如:跳过m行选择n行 select * from table_name limit n offset m; db2 选择前几行 例如:选择前n行 select * from table_name fetch first n rows only; Mysql 选择特定几行 例如:选择n到m行 select * from table_name limi...
How to Create a Date Time Snippet in Sublime Text 2 (Dynamic Signature with Time Stamp) 14 Jan 2012 | 05:45 am
You'll have to create a new plugin. From the menu bar select Tools > New Plugin Copy the Python script from the file. Remember to replace your email address (it's Save the...
Download: Cinema 4D reset rotation and position scripts 13 Oct 2012 | 02:49 am
These are two different python scripts for Cinema 4D. One resets the selected objects position to 0,0,0 and the other zeros out rotation. Just unzip them into your “scripts” folder within your C4D lib...
Dynamic list filtering with Python 22 Feb 2013 | 04:37 am
Python is AMAZING! I was defining a field for a Django model which represents minutes and I thought to allow the selection of ranges of 5 minutes only (ie: 5, 10, 15…), this can be accomplished by pas...
From awk to pig –美丽说数据统计变迁 18 Mar 2013 | 06:34 am
第二十一期 《高性能数据库应用之“美丽说”技术专场 》 主题一:《From awk to pig –美丽说数据统计变迁》 简介: 1、美丽说简介。 2、数据统计问题描述。 3、数据统计的变迁。 a、石器时代 –单机单进程(python+shell(sed, awk)) 。 b、青铜时代 –单机单进程多线程(mysql+python)。 c、农业时代 –单机多进程(hive+sqlite+pytho...