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Google Tel Aviv by Camenzind Evolution (CH), Setter Architects and Studio Yaron Tal (IL) 21 Aug 2013 | 04:18 pm
Together with Swiss design team Camenzind Evolution, Israel-based Setter Architects and Studio Yaron Tal have designed the 8’000 m2 Tel Aviv offices of Google Israel. Occupying eight floors in cen...
Support Israel – How can you help 30 May 2012 | 06:55 pm
,vintage inspired wedding dresses where to buy these t-shirts? there are plenty of online stores that sell these pieces of clothing. you just need to know where to buy them from. go to google and find...
Google digugat 3 Nov 2009 | 05:36 am
Perusahaan bernama Red Bend di Israel berang karena merasa hak patennya telah dilanggar oleh Google. Red Bend menuding Google telah menggunakan teknologi besutannya dalam Courgette, yakni sebuah tekno...
Linkr vs. Penguin 6 Jun 2012 | 10:55 pm
Jacki Soikis, co-founder and head of The Israeli Online Marketing School and owner of SEO Simple, Israel’s leading SEO firm, inquired as to how Google’s Penguin update from April 24, 2012 affected Lin...
Noile birouri Google din Tel Aviv 6 Feb 2013 | 12:44 pm
Google s-a mutat recent într-un nou spatiu incredibil de birouri din Tel Aviv, Israel. Proiectat de Camenzind Evolution, în colaborare cu Setter Architects si Studio Yaron Tal, campusul impresionant...
What’s Up With Quora 10 Feb 2013 | 08:27 pm
I like quota, I think it’s a very nice looking QA site with good content, I just don’t like their marketing ( or whatever this is ) approach. whenever I type an question on my phone using Google and q...
Sfida tra Google e Facebook per l’acquisizione di Waze 26 May 2013 | 05:57 pm
Tra i paesi con il maggior numero di start-up innovative possiamo includere anche Israele. Sono diversi i progetti nati nel paese ed acquistati da colossi Americani ed Europei. Tra questi grande impor...
Apple und Facebook gehen leer aus: Google schnappt sich Waze *Update: jetzt offiziell* 11 Jun 2013 | 08:53 pm
Hinter dem Startup Waze aus Israel waren Unternehmen wie Apple, Facebook und Google her wie hinter der lieben Seele. Wie es scheint, erhält nun Google den Zuschlag und blättert dafür 1.3 Milliarden Do...
Google has bought Waze 14 Jun 2013 | 05:05 pm
In a bid to outsmart traffic, Google has bought the crowd-sourced navigation app Waze, an Israel-based start-up. The search giant reportedly paid $1.3bn (£835m), according to Reuters, although the fir...
Nexus 4 barədə ilkin təəssüratlar 14 Mar 2013 | 05:13 pm
3 həftədir sınamaq imkanı əldə etdiyim Google Nexus 4 smartfonu haqda ilkin təəssüratları paylaşmaq istəyirəm. Bundan öncə başqa 2 Android smartfon işlətdiyimdən(HTC Wildfire və Samsung Galaxy S2) dah...