Most qingdao haiwan bridge related news are at:

Epic of the Persian Kings 26 Aug 2013 | 11:01 pm
“My father always told me that this country’s very ancient, and so it has been invaded and changed so many times. He said what makes us Iranian, what gives us an identity is our poetry, and Shahnameh ...
The Indonesian Walking Shark 26 Aug 2013 | 10:42 pm
Yes, there’s a new species of shark, Hemiscyllium halmahera, that walks on its fins rather than swims. It actually sounds worse than the reality. The shark is only 28 inches long and walking sharks a...
More qingdao haiwan bridge related news:
Qingdao Haiwan Bridge - China World’s Longest Sea Bridge 20 Jan 2011 | 02:08 am
At 42.5 kilometers, the Qingdao Haiwan Bridge, connecting the city of Qingdao in Eastern China's Shandong province with the suburban Huangdao District across the waters of the northern part of Jiaozho...
Jambatan Qingdao Haiwan Terpanjang di Dunia (2011) 15 Jul 2011 | 01:37 pm
China telah membuka jambatan laut terpanjang di dunia, keseluruhannya berukuran 42Km - 5 batu lebih panjang daripada jarak antara Dover dan Calais serta lebih panjang daripada marathon! Jambatan Qingd...
Jembatan Terpanjang di Dunia 21 Jan 2011 | 06:46 pm
Pemerintah China meresmikan megaproyek Jembatan Qingdao Haiwan sepanjang 26,4 mil. Jembatan ini 3 mil lebih panjang dibandingkan pemegang rekor jembatan melintasi air terpanjang di dunia Louisiana, Am...
El Puente de Qingdao Haiwan en China, el puente más largo del mundo 3 Feb 2011 | 02:55 am
Con el miedo que me dan a mí los puentes… No sé porqué, pero eso de cruzar un puente siempre me ha dado mucho respeto. Un amigo siempre me decía, tranquilo, que hay agua debajo. Claro, bendita solució...