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The New BlackBerry®Playbook™ 10 Jul 2011 | 07:34 am
The new BlackBerry®Playbook™ is a 7" tablet with a new OS from QNX Neutrino. It offers all you love that you can get from the internet. and with Adobe Flash. It also has HD video, HD display...
Research In Motion Plans Dual-Core BlackBerry Devices 12 Jan 2011 | 06:10 pm
Research In Motion plans to offer a number of dual-core BlackBerry devices in the future, according to one of its chief executives. “We are working on multi-core smartphones, and QNX is our multi-cor...
ஒளியின் வேகத்தை மிஞ்சும் நியூட்ரினோ 4 Jan 2012 | 02:27 pm
உலகிலேயே ஏன் பிரபஞ்சத்திலேயே அதிவேகத்தில் செல்லக்கூடியது ஒளி. இது நேற்று வரையான விடையாக இருந்தது. ஆனால் இன்று விடை மட்டுமல்ல அறிவியல் கொள்கையும் மாறிப்போயிருக்கிறது. காரணம் நியூட்ரினோ (Neutrino). அறிவ...
نور همچنان سریع ترین ذره عالم است - وبلاگ 18 Mar 2012 | 08:15 am
چندی پیش دانشمندان اعلام کرده بودند که ذره ای را یافته اند که از نور سریع تر است . بر پایه آزمایشی که در OPERA انجام شده بود ، این طور به نظر می آمد که neutrinos به اندازه 60 نانو ثانیه از نور سریع تر...
Playbook Features on OS 2.0 21 Feb 2012 | 11:30 pm
The following is the latest feature playbook OS 2.0: 1. display Display Playbook 2.0 is an enhanced appearance. Distance-based QNX, like the Blackberry OS 10 to be launched this year. Here, the use...
Tablet BlackBerry® Playbook 64 GB 30 May 2012 | 09:21 pm
Sistema Operacional: QNX OS Processador Dual Core 1GHz Tela: 7'' LCD (1024x600) WSVGA Câmera 5MP Filmadora HD MP3 Player Memória interna: 32 GB Conexões: WiFi; Bluetooth Alimentação: 5300 mAh R$1.199...
Schneller als das Licht -- Neutrinos verblüffen Forscher 7 Dec 2011 | 06:13 am
Laut Albert Einstein kann nichts schneller sein als das Licht. Die am Forschungszentrum CERN erzeugten Teilchen scheinen diese Theorie nun zu widerlegen.
Neutrinos e a luz :conclusões erróneas e suas consequências 18 Apr 2012 | 07:54 am
De acordo com a revista Nature, Antonio Ereditato, depois de ter o experimento em que trabalhou condenado pela sociedade científica devido possíveis erros de cálculo e contradições com a Teoria da... ...
Forex Neutrino - How the elite traders make their billions 17 Jan 2010 | 12:30 am
Read the Preview.....Click Here!
Breaking the laws of physics 9 Oct 2011 | 06:17 pm
Recently I have had to question my understanding of one of the fundamentals of the universe. No I don't mean the experimental result which suggests they detected superluminal neutrinos. Although that...