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Tip 10: Plan quick and easy meals ahead 3 Aug 2011 | 04:21 pm
Normal 0 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Healthy eating starts with great planning. You will have won half the healthy diet battle if you have a well-stocked kitchen, a stash of quick and easy recipes, ...
Okra with Coconut 29 Mar 2011 | 08:07 am
If you love okra, you are definitely going to love this preparation, which is a popular okra dish in the southern parts of India. This is indeed a very quick and easy recipe and you can make it within...
Jowar Laddu 30 Aug 2011 | 04:55 am
Here is another quick and easy recipe using jowar grains. I remembered the laddu posted by Srivalli and checked it and found it suits my BM theme of cooking with five or less ingredients. Noted the re...
文匯報互動英語教室(7) - It had all been a dream... 20 Dec 2010 | 03:37 am
文匯報互動英語教室之《餐廳篇》將帶你到中西餐廳學英文! Lily and Louise just finished a video shoot (拍攝) for an upcoming “Quick and Easy Recipes” show on Italian cuisine. Louise couldn’t wait to leave when she thought of the di...
文匯報互動英語教室 (6) - Can I cook? 24 Nov 2010 | 09:04 pm
文匯報互動英語教室之《餐廳篇》將帶你到中西餐廳學英文! Lily and Louise are the hosts of “Quick and Easy Recipes”. It is one of the highest rated live TV cooking shows that presents the preparation of easy-to-prepare (容易煮的) foo...
easiest one 18 Feb 2011 | 04:20 pm
Looking for quick and easy recipes? Allrecipes has more than 4530 trusted quick and easy recipes complete with ratings, reviews and cooking tips. Over 2546 quick and easy recipes for students by stude...
Beef Stroganoff Quick and Easy Recipe 7 Jul 2011 | 02:33 am
Beef Stroganoff or Beef Stroganov is a classic Russian dish, now very popular all around the world, which comes in with considerable variation to its original recipe. Traditionally, this dish was prep...
Quick and Easy Recipe in 7 min! 24 Jun 2010 | 04:13 am
"I tertarik dengan your resipi sandwich that you posted some time ago. Do you have any other easy recipes that you can share? I need something new that I have not tried before..." Toughcookie says: ...
Strawberry Pie 28 Jun 2011 | 05:39 am
Here is a quick and easy recipe for Strawberry pie made with fresh Sakuma strawberries. Ingredients 3 quarts (about 3 pounds) of fresh Sakuma strawberries,rinsed and hulled cup sugar 1 tablespoon ...
The Sorcerers’ New Robes 28 Jul 2010 | 01:19 am
Good morning! I’ve got a quick and easy recipe for you today! This one is a breeze to make, and really a beauty! I used China Glaze Bermuda Breakaway and Wet ‘N Wild Kaleidoscope. I poured 3/4 of K...