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Empire State shredder 29 May 2011 | 04:59 am
Balaram Stack on the Quik Pro New York and other such issues Photo: Nelson/Unsound The story of tweens signing contracts to ride surfboards isn’t such a strange one these days. The major surf brands...
Kelly Beats Jordy to Claim Rip Curl Pro Portugal 19 Oct 2010 | 07:25 am
Rip Curl Pro Portugal Stop No. 8 of 10 on the 2010 ASP World Tour Rip Curl Women’s Pro Portugal Stop No. 6 of 8 on the 2010 ASP Women’s World Tour Supertubos, Peniche, Portugal October 7 – 18, 20...
Empire State shredder 29 May 2011 | 12:59 am
Balaram Stack on the Quik Pro New York and other such issues Photo: Nelson/Unsound The story of tweens signing contracts to ride surfboards isn’t such a strange one these days. The major surf brands a...
Julian Wilson Wins Rip Curl Pro Portugal 20 Oct 2012 | 12:27 am
Julian Wilson Photo: © ASP/ Kirstin Surfer Julian Wilson won his first ASP event after scoring big during the final seconds of the Rip Curl Pro Portugal, leaving his competitor Gabriel Medina stunned...
Julian Wilson gana el Rip Curl Pro Portugal 20 Oct 2012 | 08:35 am
El australiano de 23 años consigue el primer evento WCT de su carrera tras derrotar al brasileño Gabriel Medina en una final de infarto en la que le dio la vuelta al marcador a 30 segundos del final.
Quiksilver Pro France launches fan prize package 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
16 August, 2012 : - Bonjour. So you want to watch the World’s best surfers rip the beach breaks of South West France at the Quik Pro? Well, here’s your chance to make it happen and get some waves your...
Julian Wilson Wins Rip Curl Pro Portugal 20 Oct 2012 | 08:30 pm
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Sabe como funciona o LinkB2B PRO? 5 Jun 2011 | 09:57 pm
LinkB2B – Ligue o seu negócio > > Tagged: B2B, Bases de dados, Busca, Empresas, Linkb2b, Marketing, Motor, Novas, Pesquisa, Portugal, Publicidade, Video
A CORRUPÇÃO EM PORTUGAL 24 Sep 2009 | 09:04 pm
Dia 01 de Outubro - 20h Hotel D.Luis (sala Lisboa), Coimbra Jantar-Debate da República do Direito A CORRUPÇÃO EM PORTUGAL com a presença do Doutor Luis de Sousa - Investigador do CIES-ISCTE e Pro...
Eurotrip – Portugal #2: Dicas de Viagem 8 May 2012 | 02:21 pm
Eu prometo, eu faço. Vamos a segunda parte à respeito do belo país que é Portugal, agora com dicas pros viajantes. Foge da idéia do site, mas não deixa de ser útil. Com dicas simples dá pra economizar...