Most quotes from the bible related news are at:

The Crown Of Life Is Promised To Those Who Love Him 4 Aug 2010 | 12:08 am
James 1:12 12Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. Share To Bless Others!
Your Faith Is Credited As Righteousness 31 Jul 2010 | 07:56 pm
Romans 4:4-5 4Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a gift, but as an obligation. 5However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is cre...
More quotes from the bible related news:
Bible Gospel | Bible Quotes On Finnish Toilet Paper Draw Church Protests 6 Mar 2013 | 06:21 am
OSLO (Reuters) – A Finnish toilet paper maker has removed quotes from the Bible , including the words of Jesus , that it inadvertently placed on its rolls after protests from some Norwegian church lea...
Rihanna Shares A Devotion To Rid Herself of Clutter 18 Jun 2013 | 03:10 am
Rhianna (pictured left) is pictured here sitting on the couch of Coco Chanel's Paris apartment As we've mentioned before, using scripture (straight quotes from the bible) is a highly effective way (fo...
Best Easter Quotes From The Bible | Latest Easter Quotes From The Bible |Funny BaBa 24 Jul 2013 | 04:20 pm
Easter Quotes From The Bible
How Can This Be? 8 Aug 2013 | 04:53 pm
How could one of the most wonderful and repeated quotes of the Bible be tied so tightly to one of the most fear inducing warnings of God? I’m thinking of what the LORD of Israel said to Moses on Mount...
Quotes about the Bible 11 Aug 2013 | 12:10 am
Victor Hugo - "England has two books; The Bible and Shakespeare. England made Shakespeare, but the Bible made England". "I have found in the Bible words for my inmost thought; songs for my joy, u...
Lovejoy in Copenhagen 21 Dec 2009 | 03:12 pm
Upon mention of the Copenhagen Summit, it’s hard to avoid recalling “Homer the Heretic” (9F01). Reverend Lovejoy quotes the Lamentations of Jeremiah dwelling on “rivers of burning sulfur” and several ...
What Do You Really Want? 24 Aug 2011 | 11:53 am
I frequently share inspirational quotes with my membership and one of my favorites has to be this: “First, you decide what you want specifically; and second, you decide if you’re willing to pay the pr...
More Favorite Avatar Movie Quotes 22 Dec 2010 | 04:02 am
There are lots of memorable Avatar movie quotes. And the more often you see AVATAR, the more quotes you'll find that stay with you. Here are some fan favorites from the original version of the movie –...
Looking For Some Inspirational Bible Verses? 12 Jun 2004 | 11:54 pm
{loadposition advert1} If you're tired of searching the Internet for the Bible verses that you're looking for, here's a good news. This website compiles the best Bible quotes and verses in every top...
Beach Sayings 14 Aug 2009 | 10:48 pm
Here is a collection of best Beach Sayings and Quotes. Enjoy.... A real friend is someone who takes a winter vacation on a sun-drenched beach and does not send a card. -----Farmer’s Almanac The cure...