Most r4 wood firmware related news are at:

GW3DS Region Free and Gateway 3DS Firmware Spoofing 21 Aug 2013 | 09:40 pm released its GW3DS card into market on Aug 8th, 2013, and distributors now get them in stock. Although this GW3DS can now only be used for 3DS / 3DSXL / 3DSLL with system versions fro...
Flashcarts Work on 3DS (XL) Ver 6.2.0-12U/E/J/A 5 Aug 2013 | 10:54 pm
Today 3DS (XL/LL) system ver 6.2.0-12 is available to update, and this update blocks most flashcarts on the Market ! Do NOT update your 3ds system until having your flashcarts firmware upgrade for th...
More r4 wood firmware related news:
Wood R4 Firmware V1.47 updated on 20th Apr 2012 24 Apr 2012 | 01:27 am
The lasted Wood R4 Firmware V1.47 updated on 20th Apr 2012 07:31. you can download the R4 Wood for R4i Gold, R4idsn, R4 DS Version 2 from us. Download Wood R4 1.47. Change log (wood r4 v1.47): core:...
Wood R4 V1.19 Updated for DS Wood R4 8 Dec 2010 | 12:18 pm
Wood R4 Kernel was updated by Yellow Wood Goblin - Wood R4 V1.19 on Dec 6th, 2010. Wood R4 V1.19 Compatibility: Wood R4 V1.19 has many latest DS Game ROMs fixed below. R4 DS users can play these gam...
Wood Firmwares v1.53 10 Oct 2012 | 09:01 am
Wood has received a small compatibly update. Please see the change log for more information. QUOTE: Important Distinction Now, there are so many fake Wood R4 versions which have nothing to do with m...
Wood Firmware v1.54 4 Nov 2012 | 09:00 am
WOOD FiRMWARE v1.54 FLASH CART FiRMWARE Tweet UPDATE core: - fatfs updated to 0.09a. compatibility: - 'pokemon - version blanche 2 (france)' fixed. - 'pokemon - version noire 2 (france)' fixed. - ...
Wood Firmwares v1.53 10 Oct 2012 | 10:01 pm
Wood has received a small compatibly update. Please see the change log for more information. QUOTE: Important Distinction Now, there are so many fake Wood R4 versions which have nothing to do with me.
Wood Firmware v1.62 per R4 e AK R.P.G. 24 Aug 2013 | 12:02 am
Yellow Wood Goblin ha rilasciato la versione 1.61 del suo firmware Wood, per R4 e Acekard R.P.G.. Tenete conto che come sempre, in linea di massima, l'aggiornamento R4 è compatibile unicamente con le ...
R4 WOOD 内核 V1.62 (2013.08.12更新) 27 Aug 2013 | 07:59 am
老R4卡專用 更新記錄: 下載點: **** 本內容被作者隱藏 ****
WOOD R4 V1.46 Released. 5 Apr 2012 | 02:54 pm
WOOD R4 V1.46 Released,please download for your R4i GOLD card (for Both R4i Gold 3DS and R4i gold Non-3DS cards)... [Download Now&91; Change Log (WOODR4 V1.46) compatibility: - 'club penguin - elite...
Supercard dstwo for 3DS v2.2.0-4 and V3.0.0-5 11 Dec 2011 | 03:58 am
As we all know that 3DS new firmware V3.0.0-5 update has arrived so quickly since v2.2.0-4 , However some R4 cards have been confirmed still working, such as Supercard DStwo. It can support 3DS V3.0.0...
Nuevos Modelos Disponibles: 28 Sep 2011 | 05:12 am
R4i 3ds, el cartucho compatible con 3Ds mas economico y funcional. 100% compatible con los firmwares de la scene "WOOD". Garantizado las actualizaciones futuras. Principales caracteristicas: Compati...