Most raça shih tzu related news are at:

Cão com latido mais alto entra para o Guiness 12 Apr 2013 | 06:28 pm
O cão Charlie, um golden retriever, tem um dom: latir. O latido dele alcança 113,1 decibéis, uma conversa normal fica em 60 decibéis e um show de heavy metal, na primeira fileira, fica entre 110 e 120...
Primeiros passos para o adestramentos de cães 10 Apr 2013 | 10:31 pm
O cachorro é considerado o melhor amigo do homem. Através dos tempos, o cachorro tem sido o companheiro do homem. Mais do que companheiros, cachorros se prestam a várias funções: cães policiais, guias...
More raça shih tzu related news:
Cachorro morre após ser esquecido dentro de caixa por dona de pet shop 28 Jan 2012 | 01:42 am
Um cachorro da raça shih-tzu de 11 meses de idade morreu na última sexta-feira (20) após ser esquecido dentro de uma caixa por pelo menos quatro horas num pet shop de Orlândia (365 km de São Paulo).
Cachorro morre após ser esquecido dentro de caixa por dona de pet shop 27 Jan 2012 | 04:42 pm
Um cachorro da raça shih-tzu de 11 meses de idade morreu na última sexta-feira (20) após ser esquecido dentro de uma caixa por pelo menos quatro horas num pet shop de Orlândia (365 km de São Paulo). ...
Mixed Shih Tzu & Chihuahua puppy 11 May 2012 | 06:11 pm
Our mixed Shih Tzu & Chihuahua puppy. He is so cute. “The cutiest puppy ever.”
Shih-Poo Dog Breed 19 Jul 2011 | 03:59 am
Shih-Poo Dog Breed Introduction: The Shih-poo is a cross-breed or “designer” dog breed which mixes the Poodle and Shih-Tzu dog breeds. This produces an smart, friendly and loyal dog that an excellen...
TangTang the Shih Tzu 29 May 2012 | 05:09 am
NOTE: the images in this feed have been downsized or removed for copyright reasons. To see them in their unmodified state, please view the original post by clicking here.Pet model: 糖糖TangTang Pet bree...
Shih Tzu Dog Training - Body Language Your Shih Tzu Understands 8 Jul 2007 | 04:29 am
Shih Tzu dogs are highly intelligent creatures and many pet owners do not give them enough credit when it comes to the way they can read and understand our body language. Some people have no idea that...
Weds 29th Sept: Libby’s story 30 Sep 2010 | 12:41 pm
I got a call from the vet at SPCA in the morning. He wanted to discuss Libby’s case, the young shih tzu girl who came from AFCD and was with us only a very short time before being admitted to hospita...
Wire Dog Crate Or Plastic Travel Crate For New Puppy? 1 Sep 2011 | 01:10 pm
I am getting a 12 week old shih tzu and I want to use a wire crate for training. Is it necessary to buy a plastic travel crate for the car as well?
วิธีการเลี้ยงดูสุนัขพันธุ์ ชิสุ , ชิห์สุ , ชิสุห์ (Shih Tzu) 30 Nov 1999 | 01:00 pm
วิธีการเลี้ยงดูสุนัขพันธุ์ ชิห์สุ ตั้งแต่ ชิห์สุท้อง ชิห์สุคลอดเป็นมหาแม่ลูกอ่อน ชิห์สุโต จนกระทั้ง ชิห์สุแก่
มาตรฐานสายพันธุ์สุนัขพันธุ์ ชิสุ , ชิห์สุ , ชิสุห์ (Shih Tzu) 30 Nov 1999 | 01:00 pm
สุนัขของคุณชอบเห่า ปัสสาวะเรี่ยราด หรือชอบทำลายข้าวของบ้างหรือเปล่า ถ้าเป็นอาจจะแสดงว่าสุนัขของคุณเป็นโรคเหงา