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Sooooo, I think we can all agree that I'm the worst blogger ever, right? Right. In case you were afraid I died, I DID NOT (obvi), but I'm more often on Tumblr or Twitter these days, so if you haven't ...
For Daddy, 15 Years Later 28 Jul 2012 | 10:18 pm
Today is the 15th anniversary of my dad's death. I've talked about that in a couple of other posts (namely here and here), and I always try to mark it on the blog in some way. This year, I'm doing it ...
More rachel hawkins author related news:
ARC Book Review: School Spirits by Rachel Hawkins 3 May 2013 | 09:17 pm
Author: Rachel Hawkins Release Date: May 14th, 2013 Publisher: Disney-Hyperion 4 Stars - I liked it Synopsis: Fifteen-year-old Izzy Brannick was trained to fight monsters. For centuries, her family h...
Hex Hall [book review] 13 Jan 2011 | 04:08 pm
Hex Hall Author: Rachel Hawkins Synopsis: Three years ago, Sophie Mercer discovered that she was a witch. It's gotten her into a few scrapes. Her non-gifted mother has been as supportive as possible,...
Two-Book Tour: Demonglass(Hex Hall #2) by Rachel Hawkins 1 Oct 2010 | 08:08 am
Title: Demonglass(Hex Hall #2) Author: Rachel Hawkins Pages: 368 Publisher: Hyperion Books CH Publication date: March 1st, 2011 Edition: ARC Donated by: Publisher(Thank you!) Sophie Mercer thou...
Brain Science Podcast #38: Interview with Jeff Hawkins “On Intelligence” 31 May 2008 | 02:47 am
Episode 38 of the Brain Science Podcast is an interview with Jeff Hawkins, author of On Intelligence. Hawkins is well-known for founding Palm Computing and Handspring. He invented the Grafitti handwri...
MILLIONAIRE-DOLLAR AMNESIA SCANDAL – Rachel Bauley 20 Feb 2011 | 11:42 am
Author: Rachel Bailey Line: Silhouette Desire Release month: UK: / North America: February 2011 AU/NZ: March 2011 The S-Factor: Sizzling Back Blurb: An accident left April Fairchild with no mem...
Educating and Loving a Child with Extreme Challenges 13 Sep 2012 | 02:19 am
The following thought is by Rachel Stafford, author of Handsfreemama: Here in the U.S., many students are beginning a new school year. With that, social, academic, and emotional issues are bound to a...
78 Family Album 24 May 2013 | 10:23 pm
Gaffney, S.C., James and Rachel Hawkins Our home was built in 1914 by Laurens Garlington Potter, CFO of the Gaffney Manufacturing Company. The house remained in the Potter family until we purchased it...
Rachel Stern on the Role of the Foreign NGO & the Future of China’s Environmental Movement 16 Aug 2013 | 08:18 am
In our final segment with Prof. Rachel Stern, author of Environmental Litigation in China: A Study in Political Ambivalence , China Law & Policy discussed the role that the international NGO has playe...
August's Writer of the Month - Rachel Johnson 23 Jul 2013 | 03:07 pm
Author Rachel Johnson will give a talk at The National Archives on Tuesday 13 August at 14:00, as part of our Writer of the Month series.
Pump Up Your Book Chats with Deborah Hawkins, author of ‘Dance for a Dead Princess’ 21 Aug 2013 | 04:43 pm
ABOUT DANCE FOR A DEAD PRINCESS Wall Street Attorney Taylor Collins, has something Nicholas Carey, the 18th Duke of Burnham, has been searching for since the death of the Princess of Wales: the video...