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Pasta Stacijas sūtījumu šaušana 22 Aug 2013 | 06:33 pm
Katru rītu Zoopastā plkst. 7:45 šausim Pasta stacijas paciņas. Diviem mūsu klausītājiem, kas sazvanīs ēteru būs jāsacenšas savā starpā par to, kurš ātrāk nošaus paciņu. Veiksmīgākajam Pasta stacija d... uzsauc! 22 Aug 2013 | 02:15 pm
Piesaki savu biroju un jums uzsauks gardas pusdienas! Viss, kas jums jādara, ir jāaizpilda zemāk esošā anketa un jāgaida zvans no Zoopastiešiem. Katru darba dienu no 26 augusta l...
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Tehnoloģiju rubrika @ radio Star FM “Zoopasta” #66 [22.08.2013] 22 Aug 2013 | 08:20 pm
Raidījuma tēma: Šodien Baiba bildē Jāni ar jauno Samsung Galaxy S4 zoom kamerviedtālruni un piekrīt, ka tā ir ļooooti savāda ierīce. Ņujorkā kāds ne īpaši gudrs gangsteris Instagram sociālajā tīklā ie... konkurss 18 Aug 2013 | 07:51 pm
Kas jādara? No 19. līdz 23. augustam klausies radio Star FM Zoopastu un piedalies „” konkursā. Tev būs jābūt attapīgam un jāatbild uz āķīgiem jautājumiem. Sazvani ēteru plkst. 8:45, snied...
20 on the Radio 25 May 2011 | 02:54 pm
Kali FM radio show Stephanie & Friends interviews Russell Rinker, who stars as 20 Dollar. Russell delves deep into the recesses of his mind, exploring his guiltiest pleasures and his darkest secret...
Star FM Baquio DZWX 89.5 Mhz 11 Jul 2011 | 06:26 am
Station Name: Star FM Baguio DZWX Station: Star FM Baguio Frequency: 89.5 mhz Band: FM DZWX Star FM Baguio City is a radio station owned and operated by Bombo Radyo Philippines. Star FM Baguio Cit...
Star FM Davao DXFX 96.3 Mhz 24 Jun 2011 | 12:40 am
Station Name: Star FM Davao DXFX Frequency: 96.3 Mhz Band: FM Website: DXFX Star FM Davao City is a radio station owned and operated by Bombo Radyo Philippines. Sta...
Star FM Dagupan DWHY 100.7 Mhz 24 Jun 2011 | 12:23 am
Station Name: Star FM Dagupan Frequency: 100.7 Mhz Band: FM Website: DWHY Star FM Dagupan City is a radio station owned and operated by Bombo Radyo Philippines. Sta...
Star FM Cebu DYMX 95.5 MHz 23 Jun 2011 | 11:56 pm
Station Name: Star FM Cebu Band: FM Frequency: 95.5 MHz Website: DYMX 95.5 MHz Cebu City) is a music FM radio station owned by Bom...
Greening the airwaves 26 Jan 2011 | 10:09 am
It was a wild, wet and windy day last Tuesday but a small, hardy crew of us gathered around the wireless to listen to our resident radio star introduce our project to the region on Beach FM. When a b...
Update 9 Radio Online Indonesia 18 Nov 2010 | 06:45 pm
Update 9 Radio Online Indonesia: Bharata FM Makassar, Madu FM Tulungagung, Star FM Tarakan, RRI PRO 1 Makassar, Mora FM Bandung, IBC FM Semarang, Masda FM Ponorogo, YIC Radio, Harmoni FM Blitar
Internet Killed The Television Star - Watching Sports Live Online 20 May 2012 | 07:18 pm
Thirty years ago, a catchy number called "video killed the radio star" had people all over the world grooving to it. Today, the days of the old "video" are over. The Internet has taken over FM radio, ...