Most rails add column related news are at:

Asset Pipeline has been extracted as sprockets-rails 15 Oct 2012 | 10:04 pm
The asset pipeline which was introduced in Rails 3.1, has been extracted to a separate gem called sprockets-rails. Performance for assets compiling has been improved. There is a open pull request to m...
ClientSideValidations: Add/Map model validations to JS form validations 12 Oct 2012 | 09:19 pm
Easily map modal validation to client side javascript in Rails. Github:…Railscast:… #rails — Akhil Bansal (@bansalakhil) October 12, 2012
More rails add column related news:
Customize Blogger Footer columns 9 Mar 2009 | 11:38 pm
March 9, 2009 In the article "How to add columns to Blogger Footer" we've learned about the basic (barebone) implementation of extra columns in Blogger footer. This time, we'll try to customize them a...
Add columns to Blogger Footer 5 Mar 2009 | 04:55 am
March 4, 2009We are going to add some columns to our Blogger Footer. If you're using one of the Blogger default templates, you've noticed that in your Footer section, you only have a horizontal Add a ...
Add column to product grid properly 27 May 2011 | 12:53 pm
app/code/local/My/Module/etc/config.xml app/code/local/My/Module/Model/Adminhtml/Observer This come from Clockworkgeek user on a stackoverflow question. This is gold!
dede更新文章出错“更新数据库archives表时出错,请检查 13 Mar 2012 | 03:15 pm
问题状况:DEDECMS网站从5.6版升级到5.7版本,出现修改文章改不了的现象,发布文章时出现,“更新数据库archives表时出错,请检查” 解决办法:登陆系统后台–系统–SQL命令行工具,运行下面代码 ALTER TABLE `#@__archives` ADD COLUMN `voteid` int(10) NOT NULL DEFA
Adding Column Layout Shortcodes to Your Wordpress Theme 20 Sep 2010 | 05:15 pm
In this tutorial, we'll show you how to add column shortcodes to your Wordpress theme. In the end, we also cover how to convert this into a column-layouts plugin.
Oracle ‘ALTER TABLE’ to ADD columns 14 Jan 2009 | 12:36 am
We can use the ‘ALTER TABLE‘ statement in oracle to add columns to a table using ADD keyword. It is fairly straight forward. We can specify column details and constraints if any, See the below exam...
Ruby on Rails: Add assert_select helper to ActionView::TestCase [#442] 23 May 2011 | 02:17 pm
→ Priority changed from to
psd css 3 Apr 2012 | 05:28 pm
PSD商业网页元素 – Pricing tables #1 CSS3 non-WordPress version CSS3 WordPress version • Well organized & layered PSD file • No raster layers • Easy to add columns & rows • Easy to change colors • Eas...
Customize Blogger Footer columns 9 Mar 2009 | 07:38 pm
March 9, 2009 In the article "How to add columns to Blogger Footer" we've learned about the basic (barebone) implementation of extra columns in Blogger footer. This time, we'll try to customize them a...
Page Builder 28 Jul 2013 | 05:00 am
An intuitive “page builder” that lets you add columns of widgets to the content area. From concept to execution, Greg Priday’s Page Builder plugin is a winner. It automatically works with most themes ...