Most rails crontab related news are at:

Website Designers Santa Barbara and Goleta - How to Choose a Good Designer 12 Sep 2011 | 09:02 pm
10 Steps to choosing the best web designer
Santa Barbara Website Designer Teams with Search Engine Optimization Expert on COX Media TV 30 Jun 2011 | 06:14 pm
For great tips how to review your website to see if it is performing.
More rails crontab related news:
Hyundai Accent CRDi Australias Most Affordable Diesel Car 20 Jan 2012 | 10:00 am
The Hyundai Accent sees the current all-petrol line-up expanded with the addition of an efficient common-rail turbo diesel engine, delivering new levels of performance and economy to the Active model ...
Why Arel? 29 Jan 2010 | 12:35 pm
The upcoming version 3 of Ruby on Rails will feature a sexy new querying API from ActiveRecord. Here is an example: User.order(' DESC').limit(20).includes(:items) You can see that all querie...
Introducing Cache Money 11 Dec 2008 | 07:25 pm
Pre-requisite: please read my article on Write-through caching to understand why this is useful. Most caching solutions in the Rails world involve something like Cache-Fu: an alternative API to Activ...
Write-Through Cacheing is an Essential Part of a Healthy Scaling Strategy 24 Nov 2008 | 08:05 pm
The debate around “Does Rails scale?” I’ll leave to the armchair architects. But one thing I know is that having one 100% Beef Database doesn’t scale. With replication you can scale your database. Wi...
Ruby on Rails auf Ubuntu 11.10 installieren 16 Oct 2011 | 02:17 am
Seit einigen Tagen (Oktober 2011) ist die neuste Version von Ubuntu zum Download freigegeben. Ubuntu 11.10 oder auch Oneiric Ocelot genannt, ist ein wirklich ausgereiftes und leicht zu bedienendes Lin...
Bulk ALTER TABLE with Rails 3 and MySQL 1 Feb 2011 | 02:34 am
With this commit, Rails migrations will support adding/removing/changing multiple columns via a single ALTER TABLE statement for MySQL. Let’s say you need to add 2 new columns to a table and modify d...
Nested layouts in Rails 3 24 Dec 2010 | 01:36 am
This an update/rewrite of my previous post nested layouts – as that version no longer works with Rails 3. Code Add the above helper method in your ApplicationHelper or wherever you see fit. Example...
Signed and Permanent cookies in Rails 3 6 Feb 2010 | 01:37 am
David added a very cool feature to Rails recently – Signed cookies and permanent cookies This lets you set permanent and/or signed cookies very easily. Before this, you’d have to write : Now just be...
Railssummit Slides 19 Oct 2009 | 06:47 am
Here are the slides of my presentation at Railssummit 2009. Huge thanks to Locaweb and Fabio Akita for organizing the conference and having me there. My talk was about Rails focused tips/tricks. Les...
Wanted: Senior Ruby on Rails Engineer 6 May 2010 | 04:27 am
Magma is looking for a serious, rockstar Senior Ruby on Rails Engineer in NYC! Our ideal candidate is self-motivated and has demonstrable experience with web application development. You’ll be active...