Most rails fulltext search related news are at: Launches on Floxee 23 Apr 2010 | 03:36 am
Squeejee is happy to announce yet another State has launched a Floxee directory of elected officials. Partnering with the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute and the State Policy Network, TweetWiscons...
Chirp in Review 21 Apr 2010 | 05:20 am
Twitter’s developer conference, Chirp, was held last week and I had the chance to go on behalf of Squeejee. As avid developers on the Twitter platform with apps like Floxee and TweetSaver, we were anx...
More rails fulltext search related news:
Implementing Multi-Table Full Text Search with Postgres in Rails 16 Aug 2013 | 11:43 pm
Easily searching across an application’s data is a pervasive need. If you are lucky, you can get away with simple sorting or searching on a single column, but it is more likely that you need full text...
Upgrading to Rails 3.2 25 Jan 2012 | 12:02 pm
If are you wondering how to upgrade to Rails 3.2, search no further. Railscast released another movie on how to upgrade. Rails 3.2 sports many new features including automatic explain queries, tagged...
Generating sitemaps with Rails 3 12 May 2011 | 07:55 am
Introduction Sitemaps are XML files sitting on your web server that are used to give hints to search engines about the existence of new pages, how often pages change and the priority a search engine ...
Google Will No Longer Collect Street View Photos in Germany 12 Apr 2011 | 07:00 am
Google has decided to stop collecting Street View photos in Germany, where regulators have spent much of the past two years railing against the search giant for violating the privacy of German residen...
Search types in Magento 7 Jun 2010 | 04:57 am
Magento provides different kind of search types. These include “LIKE”, Fulltext and combined. To increase Magento performance what type should be selected? you can find this and more on Magento perfor...
Rails Search Engine 28 Mar 2008 | 07:27 am
We've just released a new version of the WorkingWithRails software. As well as some stuff that most people will find boring, like fully automated payment processing for the job board and some requeste...
There Are Endless Options For Iron Railings 21 Jul 2012 | 10:41 pm
If you are searching for iron railings in NJ manufacturers have the ability to produce a exceptional design that may increase any house or structure. They are not only protected and solid however give...
Rails Search Engine 28 Mar 2008 | 03:27 am
We've just released a new version of the WorkingWithRails software. As well as some stuff that most people will find boring, like fully automated payment processing for the job board and some requeste...
redis-search 的使用例子 App 1 Aug 2012 | 12:10 am
redis-search 是一个我基于 Redis 和 Rails ActiveModel 实现的全自动的搜索工具。 redis-search 它可帮你实现: 实时更新搜索索引 高效 分词搜索和逐字匹配搜索 别名搜索 支持 ActiveRecord 和 Mongoid 暂时只能用一个字段做为排序条件 中文同音词搜索 中文拼音搜索支持 中文拼音首字母搜索 可以用一些简单的附加条...
DataTables 2 Nov 2012 | 04:28 pm
DataTables makes it easy to convert a plain HTML table into one with pagination, sorting, and searching - all done with JavaScript and jQuery. Here we show how to set this up and use a Rails applicati...