Most rails migration decimal precision scale related news are at:
– Millarian | Curtis Miller | Phoenix Ruby on Rails Web Developer and Startup Junkie
Links for 2012-09-18 [] 19 Sep 2012 | 12:00 pm
Dropbox iOS Update Brings Twitter And Facebook Sharing, Support For AirPrint | TechCrunch RT @TechCrunch: Dropbox iOS Update Brings Twitter And Facebook Sharing, Support For AirPrint
Links for 2012-09-18 [] 19 Sep 2012 | 12:00 pm
Dropbox iOS Update Brings Twitter And Facebook Sharing, Support For AirPrint | TechCrunch RT @TechCrunch: Dropbox iOS Update Brings Twitter And Facebook Sharing, Support For AirPrint
More rails migration decimal precision scale related news:
Specify precision and scale attributes for decimal number with scaffold/model/migration generators in Rails 3.2.0 23 Jan 2012 | 12:35 pm
By using the short hand :decimal{precision, scale}, rails generator lets you generate number migration with decimal and scale. You could use {precision, scale} or {precison-scale} or {precision.scale...