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Hexagonal rails: Rake tasks are adapters 12 Jul 2012 | 03:53 am
If I’m thinking about my Rails app in terms of a hexagonal architecture, I find it also pays to consider every rake task to be an Adapter. Thus: Picture: @rosieemackenzie The true picture is a littl...
Bulk ALTER TABLE with Rails 3 and MySQL 1 Feb 2011 | 02:34 am
With this commit, Rails migrations will support adding/removing/changing multiple columns via a single ALTER TABLE statement for MySQL. Let’s say you need to add 2 new columns to a table and modify d...
A New World of Resources 24 May 2011 | 05:04 pm
Last year I attacked a long lost black sheep of the Rails family, ActionMailer. This was because I had a project that needed to use email and I found the current implementation, shall we say, somewhat...
Engineering study announced for rail line 29 May 2012 | 05:48 am
Mark Hoult Community Press Havelock-Belmont-Methuen — Mayor Ron Gerow says the benefits of a new high-speed passenger and freight line between Toronto and Havelock will spread to what he calls “the gr...
Problems with Rake 0.9.0 and Ruby on Rails? 26 May 2011 | 02:06 am
Problems Rails? If you tried to use rake in a Ruby on Rails project in the last few days, it could happen something like this: It depends on something that happened with the 0.9.0 version of Rake an...
Angry Birds maker rakes in the revenue 8 May 2012 | 02:43 am
Rovio, the company behind the hit-the-pigs game, says it generated $106.3 million in revenue and posted a $67.6 million profit on the franchise in 2011. Angry Birds is officially a financial powerhou...
Обновление Ruby On Rails проектов с github 30 Nov 2011 | 12:35 am
Приблизительная схема обновления проектов на Ruby On Rails, взятых с 1. git stash 2. git pull 3. git stash apply 4. merge??? 5. bundle 6. RUBY_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migra...
SEO Fallacy #1: Broad Match Bull 27 Jan 2011 | 09:05 am
I don’t know how many times I have heard people say “look, I am raking number one for this keyword that has 15 bajillion competing pages in Google!” Shananigans! There I called it! This is one of the...
How Freelance Writers can Use Google+ 24 Aug 2011 | 01:13 am
“Writing comes more easily if you have something to say.” ~Sholem Asch With this latest social media tool raking up in popularity, do you wonder how freelance writers can use Google+? As a freelance...
Train delayed for an hour so the guard could eat his dinner 4 May 2012 | 11:33 pm
Employee enjoyed chicken salad sandwich and crisps while commuters waited, rail operator Southeastern says staff are ‘required to take mandatory breaks’ Commuters were left fuming after their train ho...