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More rails routing related news:
dynamic & bounded parameters and named routes 31 Jan 2012 | 11:13 am
Rails routes can be customized as your own routes with parameters but first you should understand how routes behaves. Adding dynamic parameters to routes Here exact parameters are matched to route and...
Free energy audits offered on rail route 26 Mar 2012 | 05:30 am
courtesy of Emily Gersema – Mar. 23, 2012 The Republic Ashley Hardee, 29, prides herself on keeping a tight rein on her energy usage. She lives and works in downtown Phoenix, doesn’t use much gas a...
Etihad Rail drives Dh40b plan 15 May 2011 | 04:31 am
Etihad Rail Route Map Etihad Rail, formerly known as Union Railway, the master developer and operator of the UAE’s first railway network, will construct 1,200 kilometres of railway routes in the nati...
CTA Proposes Service Changes to Reduce Crowding 23 Aug 2012 | 02:50 am
The Chicago Transit Authority today unveiled a plan to increase service on its busiest bus and rail routes while discontinuing 12 "duplicative and low-ridership" routes and making changes to others. ...
Manually Resolving a Rails Route 1 Oct 2012 | 10:02 pm
(Rails 3.1) We had a need to take a string that had a route (/accounts/1) and get back the controller it belonged to (AccountsController). The way to do that is: MyApp::Application.routes.recognize_pa...
Google Transit once again showing Metro bus and train routes 27 Aug 2013 | 03:21 am
And they're back! Google Transit appears to be showing Metro bus and rail routes once again. A technical glitch dating to last week had resulted in Metro being dropped from the popular Google Transit...
Alle camperplaatsen in Europa nu op Snooper Ventura navigatiesysteem 18 Jul 2011 | 12:00 pm
Berghem 6 juli 2011 - De volledige database van de Facile-en-Route Campergids Europa is nu ook op alle Ventura-modellen van de Snooper navigatiesystemen beschikbaar. De Ventura die speciaal ontworpen ...
Hyundai Accent CRDi Australias Most Affordable Diesel Car 20 Jan 2012 | 10:00 am
The Hyundai Accent sees the current all-petrol line-up expanded with the addition of an efficient common-rail turbo diesel engine, delivering new levels of performance and economy to the Active model ...
Form & Forest’s Pioneer Prefab Cabin 14 Sep 2011 | 12:00 am
Canada’s Form & Forest present this unique cabin built on a pristine five-acre lot in the Rockies. Rather than go the traditional route of log homes, Form & Forest wanted to try something a little dif...
Some news 12 Aug 2010 | 10:13 am
This blog and project has been a dreary place to be around for the last few months and for that I apologise. I have been exploring my options for the project and have yet to uncover a sensible route f...