Most rails server port related news are at:

Rails Tutorials 17 Aug 2008 | 03:25 pm
Here are a few beginner tutorial about Ruby on Rails: has_many :through tutorial by byrnejb: "What I want to do is have three tables: movies, dancers and their join table that I called dancer_movies....
Back to Ruby 17 Aug 2008 | 03:07 pm
My apologies to readers of this blog for not posting on this blog for more than a year. Since June 2006, I was working for the 13th largest website in the world (based on traffic) with more than 4 bil...
More rails server port related news:
Centos使用rdesktop来连接windows远程桌面 13 Apr 2012 | 04:08 pm
********************************************************************** rdesktop [option] server:port u:登录用户名称 p:登录密码 s:登录之后直接执行的命令 d:域名称 g:远程桌面显示的窗口大小 ,可以直接写分辨率 也可以写成 g 80%之类的 f:全屏,将覆盖本机桌面,ct...
rails server -e production在后台运行 1 Jan 2011 | 07:11 am
用了rails server -e production & 过一阵rails就没有什么反应了,不知道是不是因为我退出了终端的原因~但是回去看的话进程里还是有的~ 乱找了个方法,试试nohup口令,详情如下 nohup rails server -e production & 引自 nohup命令让程序在后台运行-lin...
Machine de geek n°2: un ascenseur pour chat! 18 Mar 2010 | 03:45 am
Après le lanceur de balles pour chien voici un ascenseur pour chat: Un caisson en plexi, un moteur et un rail de porte de garage: voila ce qu’il faut à un geek pour faire un ascenseur à son chat. Com...
Server port nearing completion; You can log in again. 16 Jul 2011 | 04:14 am
Sorry about the annoyance around here lately. Hopefully my emails to those of you who contacted me with V3 questions were helpful enough in this winter of our [s]discontent[/s] downtime. The files ar...
Flex With Ruby on Rails talk - An AdobeMax preview 20 Sep 2011 | 07:36 am
This is a presentation I gave in September 2011 at the Denver RIA Developers Group showing how to create a Flex application that interacts with a Ruby on Rails server. In fact it was schedule for the ...
Send a Fake E-Mail With Any E-Mail Address 7 Jul 2012 | 07:46 pm
Hey, guy's now you can send a Fake E-mail with any email Address. There u can attach files, u can show your enemy's email address, name, subject. Without this u can change priority, smtp server, port....
Server-Ports geändert! 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Liebe Community, Liebe Gäste, aufgrund der häufigen Abstürze haben wir auf Anraten des gamed-Supports die Ports unserer Server geändert. Unser Public-Server hat sich nicht verändert. Ihr findet die ...
Redmine / rake cheat sheet 27 Mar 2013 | 02:54 pm
Plugins bzw. Änderungen deployen: rake –trace db:migrate redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production Webrick starten: ruby script/rails server webrick -e production DB Schema löschen und neu anlegen ...
Routine backups for your Rails Server 14 Jun 2013 | 04:58 pm
Problem: protecting your user’s data I recently wrote about using tarsnap to backup a linux server and that’s especially important with the recent revelations about PRISM. Tarsnap is “backups for the ...
rails s をポート80番で開く 25 Jun 2013 | 09:06 am
ローカルでrailsを80番ポートで開きたいとおもいました(☝ ՞ਊ ՞)☝ ポートを指定してrails server portを指定してrailsを起動するには-pをつけます rails server -p 80 => [...]