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More rails slug plugin related news:
SO Pinyin Slugs plugin 27 Aug 2013 | 01:50 am
WPTIP: SO Pinyin Slugs plugin The SO Pinyin Slugs plugin transforms Chinese character titles (of Posts, Pages and all other content types that use slugs) into a permalink friendly slug, showing pinyi...
Rails for API applications (rails-api) released 21 Apr 2012 | 09:59 am
rails-api is a plugin developed by Yehuda Katz, José Valim, Carlos Antonio da Silva and me (Santiago Pastorino) which modifies Rails applications trimming down usually unneeded Rails functionalities f...
How to use linkedin api – invite people by email in ruby on rails 25 Jan 2010 | 04:23 am
Hi guys, This is quick tutorial about linkedin api 1 – invitation by people email to join your linkedin network. We will use linkedinapi rails plugin ( Created by Dimas Priyanto and Me base on oauth...
YUI TreeView with Ruby on Rails 27 May 2008 | 03:48 pm
Here’s some code I’m using to generate a dynamic tree view using an acts_as_tree model with slug and title fields, the TreeView widget from YUI, and a Rails helper. I chopped out some of the code for ...
Paperclip for easy Rails file uploads 26 Nov 2008 | 08:17 pm
It’s my first post in months*, so it must be worth it right? Rails Inside has the details on Paperclip as an alternative file upload/association plugin, I’ve tried them all and paperclip covers all y...
Enhanced Migrations v1.2.0 7 Nov 2007 | 07:38 am
The original release of this highly useful plugin marked a turning point in collaborative Rails development by freeing the developer to commit their database migration without fear of having it ignore...
HowTo add Aggregate Data Graphs from existing datapoints in Zenoss 3 Feb 2011 | 07:16 am
Recently I had to aggregate the amount of 200, 400, 404, 500, 503, and 504 HTTP 1.1 Codes from all of our Nginx and Ruby On Rails systems. So I decided to write a quick plugin for Zenoss that all you...
Opal 0.8.0 Released! 6 Nov 2011 | 12:45 pm
Opal 0.8.0 has been released! In this version, we've added Rails 3.1 Support, OmniAuth/OAuth Logins, CarrierWave and S3 support, Video Uploads, Polymorphic Plugins, Humanizer, and more! You can read m...
The Joy of Gems: Cooking up Rails Plugins 13 Jan 2012 | 10:25 pm
Last night I presented at Cookpad’s Tokyo Rails event. This installment had the largest turn out I’ve seen so far, with at least forty participants. I think word’s gotten out that Tokyo Rails has the ...
Rake script for managing Rails plugins with Git submodules 13 Sep 2009 | 06:47 am
Problem with gitmodules and rails plugins Submodules aren’t very easy. You have to know a few things before messing with them. When installing you have to follow a bunch of steps in order to get them...