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More random facts about life related news:
Realm Of Anti-Aging Products 10 May 2012 | 05:13 pm
Sagging, wrinkled and flawed skin mirrors your stay in this world. However, as you age, you want to revert the hands of time. This is a fact of life. Age is as sweet as honey but as it evolves with ti...
How to Employ Debt Management to Clear your Money 3 Feb 2011 | 10:30 am
Being out of pocket is a fact of life for most people in the UK. Starting with a university loan and continuing with a credit card, an average person might deal with debts for most of their adult lif...
11 Things. 8 Mar 2012 | 07:58 am
i was tagged by two people for this but thought i would spread them out so as to not make you all nauseated by facts about me, etc! i will do the next one thursday! random facts about me! 1. i'm a.....
thebeatmag: Last month one of our Interviewers got a chance to interview singer/song writer Jimmy... 16 Feb 2012 | 02:22 pm
thebeatmag: Last month one of our Interviewers got a chance to interview singer/song writer Jimmy Robbins. 1) State your name, what you do, and a random fact about yourself? JR: My name is Jimmy Rob...
Time to Say “Thank You” 22 Jul 2009 | 11:26 am
We all know the saying “sometimes life gets in our way,” meaning that something didn’t work as expected. Scribus is no different, although in our case one major fact of “life getting in our way” was n...
Jiepang Hong Kong Marketing Tips 15 Dec 2010 | 05:15 pm
Random fact: HTC phones are pre-installed with Jiepang. When you go to 3 Telecom to buy phones they will be pre-installed with Jiepang app. Interesting fact:Jiepang has their own version of facebook ...
The Effect of Free Radicals On Aging 29 Apr 2012 | 11:24 pm
Alongside taxes and death, aging is an inescapable fact of life. Vanity probably causes some people to refuse to admit to their age, but that doesn't halt the onset of aging nor stop time for them. D...
10 Random Facts 1 Apr 2012 | 02:47 pm
1) There’s a minute with 61 seconds in it 2 times every year. 2) A restaurant in Houston charges $12,000 to its customers for a 10-course meal that was served on the Titanic with the exact setting to...
Watering 26 May 2012 | 02:12 am
One of the facts of life in this business (maybe all businesses) is that of repeating questions and the most common questions we get are about watering. Sometimes people don't even know their ques...
Dealing with Accidents and Illnesses abroad - Making a Holiday Claim 16 Sep 2011 | 11:17 pm
It is an unfortunate fact of life that a small percentage of holidaymakers each year will encounter something which will spoil their holiday. This can be contracting a sudden illness, being involved i...