Most random words related news are at:

Updated RSS feed 26 Sep 2012 | 11:50 pm
Apologies to the eleven of you that subscribe to my RSS feed (thank you!) but, following rumour and speculation of feedburner’s demise, I’ve updated the RSS URL to be
wmc-dedupe 1.3 released 1 Jul 2012 | 09:08 pm
A small update to wmc-dedupe which fixes two bugs, one where files with the extension “dvr-ms” were incorrectly skipped over and another where the program would crash if you used the /D command line o...
More random words related news:
Implicit Association Test 20 Jan 2011 | 09:39 pm
The first test I took for IAT was the Money vs Leisure test. I am not sure if all the test required categorizing words but that’s what I was told to do. Random words were thrown at me and I was suppos...
Folksy Fhursday – Zebras 2 Jul 2010 | 09:46 am
This weeks theme was picked by Joe. Zebra was the first random word to come into his head! First up is this Zebra Sock Owl from the lovely Shaz at Oddsox. This Cute Zebra Pin Badge is from It Belong...
National Poetry Month 12 Apr 2011 | 05:27 am
When I downloaded the “random words” app on my iPad, I had no idea it was National Poetry Month. Instead, I was looking for a way to jumpstart my creativity in a meeting that was sucking the life out ...
Word Of The Week! 17 Aug 2009 | 02:52 pm
This week, I used the random word generator to find an obscure noun. I came back with “kaver.” And you wanna know what a kaver is? It’s a gentle breeze in these islands by Scotland. Look at how depre...
Sunday Means Word Of The Week 10 Aug 2009 | 03:04 am
It’s something to do. Yay! So I’ll go ahead to this random word generator and this week, I’ll find an uncommon verb! And it is… “Barbequing.” Mmm! Just like mama used to make it! Where I found it....
How to use reCAPTCHA on your website? Example 17 Mar 2012 | 08:32 am
What is CAPTCHA? CAPTCHA is very important tool to prevent your website from SPAM. CAPTCHA script asks your user to enter some random words which can only identified by human eye. Why Use CAPTCHA? ...
New Year's Resolutions 1 Jan 2008 | 04:36 am
Don't forget to check your autogenerated resolutions for the year ahead. In 2008, surrealbot resolves to... Become a better gibberish. Volunteer to spend time with robots. Cut down to ten random word...
New Year's Resolutions 1 Jan 2008 | 04:36 am
Don't forget to check your autogenerated resolutions for the year ahead. In 2008, surrealbot resolves to... Become a better gibberish. Volunteer to spend time with robots. Cut down to ten random word...
Just Shake it! Britannica Concise Encyclopedia 2010 for iPhone with a Unique ‘Random Word’ Feature 2 Apr 2010 | 08:00 am
iPhone and iPod touch users now have a solid and reliable source of information they can carry around in their pockets, thanks to a new version of Britannica Concise Encyclopedia available for those p...
Road 2 : Things to do in class when bored, My way 23 May 2011 | 12:28 am
"ニャハハハ!" HERE'S THE CURE! Answer the teacher’s questions in slow motion Answer questions only with one word Scream random words without anybody noticing it’s you Continuously yawn until everyone ...