Most read aloud day related news are at:

A Back to School Call to Action: Let's Have Malala Day Every Day 27 Aug 2013 | 12:35 am
In July 12th, our LitWorld interns had the honor of attending Malala Day at the United Nations to hear Malala Yousafzai address the world for the first time since her attack in October 2012. Pam Allyn...
Stand Up for Girls on 10.11.13 22 Aug 2013 | 09:21 pm
523 million girls cannot read or write. Join LitWorld's Stand Up for Girls Campaign to take urgent action. Stand up for the woman or girl who inspires you. Here's how: 1. Make a contribution in he...
More read aloud day related news:
Introducing Hairietta Hairison by Jo Zumbrunnen 3 Jul 2010 | 05:36 am
Shop Now! All orders SHIP FREE to anywhere in the US or Canada! Author, Jo Zumbrunnen has been chosen to participate in the World Read Aloud Day, 2012. Check ...
I'll Be There For You 3 Feb 2012 | 03:30 am
I am holding the pen to write a lovely melody for you Manshaa, on your most special day. This post, the blog look is dedicated to you. By the time you read this, Day Feb 3 has already waved 'hello' ...
everyday reading aloud 28 May 2012 | 02:52 pm
Before your next ride, talk to your passengerEngine comfort and convenienceFor Andrew Luck Elite Jersey the convenience of the passenger you will find a footrest that is great for long drives Here are...
Google Domination Method – an amazing ebook about SEO 9 Nov 2011 | 07:51 am
This ebook has done mission as its own name ! My friend shares it with me, and I read it day by day, It helps me to understand what SEO means, and how to beat brother G O O G L E Read it, again n ag...
Mark Amery has been reading One Day Sculpture - the book 9 May 2010 | 10:52 am
One Day Sculpture Ed. David Cross and Claire Doherty Book Design. A Practice For Everyday Life 276 pp, coloured illustrations Kerber Verlag 2009 One Day Sculpture saw twenty works occur for one day e...
Can’t post to CNN Blog… 26 Mar 2011 | 11:44 am
Another political tirade Having spent hours trying to post a few sentences on the CNN blogs, in hopes that my words may be read by the reporters or even better, read aloud to the viewing audience wit...
January 多読: Wingin’ it 1 Jan 2012 | 11:50 am
Typically, I have a long list of stuff to read several days before the start of 多読 – not so, this time. I figure I have enough half-read visual novels to at least carry me well into February, not to m...
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver 17 Jun 2011 | 09:17 am
This book made me laugh, smile, and cry. On a day where nothing extraordinary was going on, I was just laying in bed reading all day this book made me feel so emotional it brought me to tears. My favo...
Day 69: Use a minimalist productivity system 23 Oct 2011 | 12:54 am
I’m not sure what it is that is setting me off about today’s assignment, but my first reaction upon reading the day’s task and associated article was to think I DON’T WANT TO AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME. F...
why we probably won’t use the blog community to find vendors for our wedding 5 Feb 2012 | 12:19 pm
I have more than 700 blogs I read every day. Some I skim just for headlines before I read – like my advertising or HR/career daily reads. I read every post of about 200 blogs a day because I love them...